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Thread: Perrine mini-boogie

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Perrine mini-boogie

    With the cancellation of Bridge Day we (Consolidated Rigging) have decided to head out to Idaho and do some jumping, see some old friends and make some new ones - all the stuff we usually do in West Virginia.

    Starting October 25th until Sunday morning the 28th we will be at the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls. We will have demos of our new Ace and Black Jack canopies available for folks to test jump. Of course we will also have some Mojos on hand as well. Also, for those of you who WANT to get wet, there will plenty of opportunity to jump a Tektite - our BASE specific round.

    This little demo party is mostly for fun, but if you've wanted to try one of these canopies now would be an ideal opportunity to check one out with the help of the manufacturer. If you have any questions, feel free to email us. Hope to see you there :7

    As a side note:
    October 23rd thru 25th we will be conducting an FJC. Two slots are still available for this course if you're interested please contact us at:

    Adam Filippino

    [|CR HomePage]

  2. #2

    RE: Perrine mini-boogie

    yahoo adam too bad we will miss each other i will be there over bridge day weekend will get in late thurs the 18th and leave mon the 22nd i understand dennis will be there the same time looking forward to a fun time jumping with some old friends should be a blast till later have fun & love each other seeya johnny gates mb65 coolo rodriquez

  3. #3

    RE: Perrine mini-boogie

    I'll be coming down for a few days, good to see that I won't be alone..Keep a slot for me with regards to trying a few water jumps.Will the whole crew be there?

  4. #4

    RE: Perrine mini-boogie

    Both Adam and myself will be there..with all the toys. looking forward to the good jumps....

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    RE: Perrine mini-boogie

    Was jumping the Perrine Bridge worth it? I am a resident at Twin Falls Id and we get all walks of life coming to jump.Just thought I'd get some feedback on the weekend. By the way, I talked to a guy by the name of Jerimiah and he said that a bunch of ya'll would come to chili's but no one showed up.
    Well got to go. email me at my msn address.

    "Live like you were dying."

  6. #6

    RE: Perrine mini-boogie

    Will Don and Bert be running the boat?


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