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Thread: Death

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  1. #1


    I know all BASE jumpers plan to say in the sport as long as possible(excluding a few NUTS that do things like try to jump a 1986 javlin with a 135 stilleto) Now what is your opinion on death, and if one day you have to go to that BIG cliff in the sky? You have a total mal and youre staring at that awfully hard road below, ##### is happening, and then..... Would it have been worth it? No regrets?
    "The last thing to ever go through his mind was his back legs" Coroner

  2. #2

    RE: Death

    Death is the least thing I worry about. Except for a very few things, there is not much of value on this planet for me. I worry about NOT dying, and getting permanently broken up and having to live.


  3. #3

    RE: Death

    I'm all with NB117. Getting battered and bruised is just part of the fun. But eating lucnh through a straw for the next 50 years..... Forget it... Besides, I hear Heaven is pretty nice this time of year. (And they give you a free rig at the Gate)


  4. #4

    RE: Death

    I'm with you guys. Anything new is a welcome change.

    If you see me lying at the bottom with my legs behind my shoulders, please take the time to pick up the closest rock and beat me to death. I'm serious. I don't have the balls to live like Christopher Reeve.

    Flesh is like a cheap Mustang. Thrash it, crash it then get yourself another model.:-)

  5. #5

    RE: Death

    Thats also freaks me out, i wouldnt be anle to have a decent ##### again. In heaven u get a brand new perigee pro and an ace one u sign the guest list and there r no cops, wonderful landing sites and the canopies pack themsleves. I think ##### happens and if the toilet paper is here to wipe me away, off i go.
    " Heaven better have a few good cliffs"

  6. #6

    RE: Death

    If you don't live your life to the fullest, and.or the way you want to live it, you are dead already.....
    you just happen to have a body with tissue that is alive.

  7. #7

    RE: Death

    God is gonna take me when he want's me. What I'm doing at the time does not matter to Him. I'm just making it easier for Him to grab me ;-)



  8. #8

    RE: Death

    You only get to heaven if you follow all the BSR's. Anyone who's done a bunch of illegal jumps is probably out of luck. x(

  9. #9

    RE: Death

    When I think of death I think of my buddy Hawkeye... "I may not have been Linda's first," he'd say, "but I know for dam sure I was her last..."

    Now, whether Linda remembered, that was another story.

    Blue skies, black death.:+

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) flummi's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Perigee II, Perigee Pro, DP2

    RE: Death

    So let's consider what might happen. You impact (for any reason) and die. For yourself - it's all over. You might have had a couple of seconds (at most) that you were aware of the fact that you were going to die. Barely time enough to be afraid. So what's the big deal?

    The only thing that really annoys me about this (except that I will not be able to jump anymore) is the pain I inflict on others that liked/loved me, who have done nothing wrong and nothing to deserve this pain and who might not understand that I did BASEjump in the first place. (We had that discussion on the board a while ago) Call me selfish - but I concluded that I will have to live with the knowledge that my potential BASEjumping death will cause sorrow amongst people I love. I do hope that the knowledge that I died doing what I love will be some comfort for them.

    Noone has ever said it better than John Maynard Keynes: "In the long run, we're all dead."

    until then, let's have fun!
    B.A.S.E. #996

    * Respekt - ist unsre Aufgabe! * (fanta4)

  11. #11

    RE: Death

    dying won't be so's getting all broke up I worry about (usually AFTER I land, though)

  12. #12

    RE: Death

    Hi to all those who agree with NB117. I'm with you, but here's the funny thing:

    Like you guys, and I was baing TOTALLY serious, I always said that I am not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of being permanently injured.

    Then, two and a half years ago, I lost my left arm. It wasn't because of BASE or even skydiving, but still.

    Question is, what do I say now?!? I've been permanently injured in such a manner that, had it been because of BASE, I would be definitely feeling inside the very bad scenario we are all talking about. But it wasn't, and I'm still able to jump, as all Bridge Day spectators for the past two years can testify.

    So, which one is it:

    A. If it wasn't because of BASE, it doesn't count!

    B. CAN'T YOU TAKE A HINT? (signed: God)

    What do you say?


  13. #13

    RE: Death

    There is no point to worry about death as you can't escape it.You should worry about life and enjoy it Because you are alive for such a short time ...And dead for such a long time...

    bsbd feral:D

  14. #14

    RE: Death

    Hey feral,

    well said... I´s all about life and how to fulfill all your dreams...and not about death and when it will happen. My motto for more than 20 years has been and still is: "don´t dream your life - live your dreams"...and I work hard on it every day.

    See you in Norway again next year?


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