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Thread: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: The Rest of the Story

    hey maxim connection.
    i have a question for you.

    several years ago, 3? / 4? the mag ran an article by terrance houlihan about bridge day.
    i leafed through the issue trying to find the article with no success, so i looked at the table of contents page.

    what do i find there?
    a picture of me jumping of the bridge circa '84 / '85.
    i wonder where you got that photo?

    craig f

  2. #17

    RE: BASE babe

    did you fags even see page 154 chicks shouldn't be allowed to BASE

  3. #18

    RE: The Rest of the Story

    Sorry, that was before I ever saw an issue of Maxim.

  4. #19

    RE: Girld of Extreme Sports

    Man, I didn't even recognize Lottie!

  5. #20
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Didn't even recognize...

    Was it the heavily Photoshopped picture, or the "BASE jumping's Jordan and Woods" comment that bore less resemblance to the real thing?

  6. #21

    RE: Didn't even recognize...

    >Was it the heavily Photoshopped picture, or the
    >"BASE jumping's Jordan and Woods" comment that
    >bore less resemblance to the real thing?

    Yes! :)

  7. #22

    RE: The Rest of the Story

    You can read the Bridge Day article by going to and searching for the article entitled "I Fell Into A Gorge". If I knew your e-address I would have sent you a link, but you can get it that way.
    Joe :7

  8. #23

    mistaken identity

    I just want to clarify that I am not the one writing this ##### .First of all it would take me a week to type so many words. Secondly I kind of like Maxim magazine, it's full of hot chicks.
    So why don't you get your own name dude.


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