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Thread: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Maxim "Blood Sports" article

    So, there is a page on BASE in the latest Maxim magazine.
    It really puts BASE in a negative light. Not surprising.
    What I was surprised to read was the next page about big wave surfing. They casually mention that Jay Moriarity was a big wave surfer that drown in June. What they did not mention was that he was not even surfing when he drown. He was just free diving and got the bends. So his death had nothing to do with his big wave exploits. But the article makes it seem like big wave surfing killed him.
    At least Maxim provides equal opportunity misinformation.
    My ex bought me the subscription to this stupid magazine, and I will not renew it.
    They did print the URL for Blinc so the rest of their audience can find out how to get involved in BASE.

  2. #2

    RE: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

    Oh man......Get ready for the flood. Hey Mick, how fast can we change the URL??? (Joking of course)

    Fall fast, pull low. ---Dex:7

  3. #3

    RE: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

    Hey DJ
    I would still like to see the article. What month's issue is it, or whose picture is on the cover?

  4. #4

    RE: Maxim

    maybe it will dicorage people from getting into base.
    i haven't seen the article yet but i can allready guess that the death toll is going up.

  5. #5

    RE: Maxim "Blood Sports" article


    DJ is a self-centered idiot.

    The whole premise of MAXIM is to be cynical and sarcastic about everybody and everything, and the specific article dealt with extreme sports generally and had the same approach to all of them: "These people are all out of their minds but the pictures are cool -- and check out the babes who do this stuff." (There's a feature following it that "exposes" some of the hot ladies who do extreme sports.)

    It's really quite fun, and it's in the October 2001 issue, page 140. Jolene Blaylock is on the cover.

    The article is called "Blood Sports" and the tag line is: "Everything you always wanted to know about death-defying, fibula-shattering extreme sports... plus the delicious girls who make it all worth watching."

    Then the intro says:

    "What defines an extreme sport? The basic rules: There's no motor, no bats or balls, and no fat rich guys standing around in tights, grabbing their crotches. Oh yeah, there's one more thing. There's a decent chance that any athlete, at any time, can be reduced to a leaky bag of jellied bones -- in front of his friends and family. With cameras rolling.

    "For a generation far too wired to watch their daddies' games, extreme sports -- a loose colelction of of adrenaline-fueled outdoor challenges, like free snowboarding, BASe jumping and downhill mountain biking -- are fast becoming the new national pastime. And they star a whole new generation of who-gives-a-#####, not-ready-for-Wheaties-boxes athletes."

    The whole story goes like this, so it's obviously not objective reporting, it's not about base only, and it's also just as obvious from the story that the editors of MAXIM really DO think BASE jumping and other extreme sports are cool -- or there wouldn't be stories about them in the magazine.

  6. #6

    The REAL question about DJ

    . . . speaking of DJ, let's get to the heart of the matter. As was so eloquently articulated by the young Idaho whuffo:

    "But, why would a GUY have long, blond hair?"

    Yes, indeed, that is the real question. Perhaps it is just to accentuate the amazing aerial commonly referred to as The Cartwheel but more officially known as The Scram Slam? Perhaps that's it. Really.

    Long, blond hair. Why, indeed, o fair DJ?



  7. #7
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

    >DJ is a self-centered idiot.

    Dude, ease down. You ever met DJ?

    --Tom Aiello

  8. #8

    RE: Maxim

    I'm not sure, but I don't think that DJ Higgins made the original post like people seem to think. DJ was jumpng in Twin Falls on Friday when the post was made. Maybe there's another DJ out there?

  9. #9

    RE: Maxim "Blood Sports" article

    >"For a generation far too wired to watch their
    >daddies' games, extreme sports -- a loose
    >colelction of of adrenaline-fueled outdoor
    >challenges, like free snowboarding, BASe jumping
    >and downhill mountain biking -- are fast
    >becoming the new national pastime. And they star
    >a whole new generation of who-gives-a-#####,
    >not-ready-for-Wheaties-boxes athletes."

    I guess I took offense to the intro for this article as well. I am ready for the Wheaties box. You and the rest of your tweaker friends can have my copy so that you can look at the pretty pictures. Maxim has found their target audience with you, the lowest common denominator.

    >The whole story goes like this, so it's
    >obviously not objective reporting, it's not
    >about base only, and it's also just as obvious
    >from the story that the editors of MAXIM really
    >DO think BASE jumping and other extreme sports
    >are cool -- or there wouldn't be stories about
    >them in the magazine.

    Even a subjective article of substance is based on fact.

  10. #10

    Lowest common denominator?

    Geez, DJ, I'm just curious. Didn't know that made me so low.
    And if all my friends are tweakers, why are they not sharing with me? The bastards!

  11. #11

    RE: Lowest common denominator?

    >Geez, DJ, I'm just curious. Didn't know that
    >made me so low.
    >And if all my friends are tweakers, why are they
    >not sharing with me? The bastards!

    OH!, sorry, I did not realize you were one of those curious fellows. I take back what I said.

  12. #12

    RE: Lowest common denominator?

    But seriously, folks...
    Is the article not based on fact? I haven't seen it.
    Like I said, I would like to see it just to see what it said, and yes, I would like to see the pretty pictures, too. Maxim is for guys a lot younger than I, but it isn't without merit as far as entertainment goes. It isn't supposed to be regarded on a level with U.S. News & World Report. It's fluff, but often funny fluff at least, IMHO.

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Girld of Extreme Sports

  14. #14
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Girld of Extreme Sports

    Jesus Craig, I just got married last month, do you think I need to see that :'(

    By the way the October issue of Maxim has nothing got to do with extreme sports that I can find. I got the one with the picture of Louise schwing on the cover before I saw the post saying it was someone else but can't find the one you are talking about.

    Confused - you should be.


  15. #15

    The Rest of the Story

    The headline reads:

    BASE JUMPING: Why don't you go take a flying leap?

    The story reads:

    The drill: BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span, Earth, and jumping means you hurl your ass off with nothing but a parachute -- quite possibly the stupidest idea ever conjured. It gets worse. Skydivers generally pull their rip cord at about 2,500 feet. BASE jumpers fall for as long as possible at 60 mph, sometimes yanking their chute at 200 feet or less. "It's like suicide without the commitment," says Mick Knutson, president of the Cliff Jumpers Association of America and editor of "Any object tall enough is fair game." Some of the sites poached: The Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, the World Trade Center, and the interior of England's St. Paul's Cathedral.

    Danger factor: Jumpers generally rely on one chute -- there's no time to pull a backup cord. If it fails you'll suffer a split second of horror before you get turned into borscht. (The latest casualty: Erin Aimee Engle, 27, who plunged to her death when her chute wouldn't open last July in the Italian Alps.) Or the wind could blow you into some rocks. Or you could land straddling a fence...

    The Mecca: BASE jumping is legal in Kuala Lumpur, home of the Petronas Twin Towers (and a lotta tranny whores, by the way... now THAT'S dangerous). The Towers are the tallest buildings in the world -- 1,483 feet. On December 31, 1999, 15 fearless idiots hurled themselves off, to the delight of the Malaysian prime minister. You could be next.

    Top Event: Bridge Day. Organized by Ace of BASE Avery Badenhop, it's the world's largest jumping event. On the 20th of this month, some 300 thrill seekers will leap 876 feet off the New River Gorge Bridge outside Fayetteville, West Virginia. Paul Shaffer will be on hand to sing the National Anthem and his classic "It's Raining Men." Hallelujah!


    A photograph of five people going off a cliff leads the overall article and is captioned "Last one to the bottom has to clean up the bodies!"

    A second photo looks like a three-way Angel Falls exit and is captioned: "Is that a York peppermint patty down there? Let's get it!"

    All the other sports covered are similarly dissed and ridiculed, clearly in good fun, and with a host of minor technical and vocabulary errors -- and with the same irreverence that marks all Maxim writing, from sex to car buying to stock market investing.

    So I say again: "DJ" is a self-centered idiot with no sense of perspective and certainly no qualifications to be on a Wheaties box... talk about TWEAKERS... he goes #####-wild over someone poking a little fun at him instead of bowing down and telling him what a great hero he is. What a crybaby.

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