This is from the Australien BASE site:
This is from the Australien BASE site:
This score sheet was scanned and uploaded as received from the organisers in the lobby of the Ming Court Vista Hotel in KL in the afternoon of Monday the 3rd of September, 2001.
Only the hand written title of the spread sheet has been tidied up.
I have received two emails since it was posted stating that although the scores may be incorrect on the ss, the placings are correct.
Dann Lee of Skyventure productions is being contacted by JM re the "error free" results and they will be posted when I receive them.
Due to the exposed errors in the overall championship scores I refrained from uploading the Team, Opening and Landing Accuracy scores until they have been confirmed as correct.
If anyone believes their scores or placings are incorrect, please email and let him know A.S.A.P.
Anyway, a great week was had by all and looking forward to KL Tower in February, 02.
Why would they want to post incorrect scores at all? This public post is visible by the entire world. This will tend to add controversy and scepticism to an already heavily scrutinized event. The reports have been varying, both in support, and of disapproval of this so-called championship. There sure seems to be a lot of screw-ups being exposed. Everyone lived, and that's the important thing.
What's happeming in KL in February '02?