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Thread: Courthouse Fatality Report?

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  1. #1

    Courthouse Fatality Report?

    Now that we finally have at least a somewhat conclusive report on how Erin died can't someone tell us what happened off of Courthouse last year? There was speculation about rigging but nothing was ever stated in certain terms as to how it happened.

    How about it?

  2. #2
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    the majority of fatalties are the result of LACK OF PREPAREDNESS:: jumpers lacking the skill and knowledge to do the jumps...example, dialing in the canopy and skills needed to do the jump.
    lack of rigging knowledge, canopy perf/ability Dialing in ones self and canopy are paramount in doing the safest way....If it was your friend who died from making a mistake , would you really be so inclined to be the pointer of blame to your friend for doing a jump that resulted in the death of the said because of insufficient judgement/prep?
    take care,

  3. #3

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    You're right Space. Lack of preparedness, skill, good judgement, etc. can cause accidents.

    Consider this... If it were a friend of mine and I was made aware of a mistake my friend had made I would be very keen to keep it from happening to someone else. That's why I'm still making base jumps after 19 years. I keep my ears open and listen to the jungle drums. No blame, no shame, just the facts.

    The only reason I wouldn't report a mistake would be self preservation if the mistake were made on my advice. No sense incriminating oneself. Could that be the case here?

  4. #4
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    What if you partook in a jump that somebody wasnīt prepared? Are you not then somewhat responsible? And then again, is it your responsibility to insure everyone on your load is prepared? lack of prep can and has resulted in jumpers being dead for a lot longer than one feels bad for partaking in the jump.
    what do you (and others) think?
    take care,

  5. #5

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    You know I can't answer how I'd react to your situation. I haven't been there. I'm usually the knock-kneed flailer on my loads.

    I can tell you about a friend, who I admire greatly for the way he handled just the situation you're suggesting. He took someone on a jump and that person flailed to their death on a big wall. The friend stayed and dealt with the authorities and things in general. The scenerio was publicized because the straight story was told (not covered up by chicken, leave-the-dead, so-called "friends".) He must dream nightly about the visual.

    Just like going in... You've got the rest of your life to think about it.

    Seems like I struck another nerve with you Space. Whyzat?

  6. #6
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    Hi Jon, I donīt understand the "another nerve" thingy, what was the first one? I have GCīd for more than 7000 Big wall jumps, dealt with 7 fatalites, watched 3 of them die firsthand, got counseling so I could eat again, 2 of the fats were of the "I told you so category" but I couldnīt tell them because they were.........tell me which nerve you mean, contact me private and I can help you deal with how to eat after seeing exploding bodies,that rejected your life saving advice.
    take care,space

  7. #7

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    i hope someday, you and i share the same air-space

  8. #8


    What we're after here is to find out just what happened at Courthouse last year so that it doesn't happen to somebody else at another site. Was it a rigging error as speculated? Was it unique conditions at CH? There should be no shame in admitting that your friend made a mistake or was misinformed as to a point of rigging or didn't know about the strange turbulence from a northerly at this site. I just want to know what happened or indeed if anybody knows.

    It's been many years since I had to deal with any skydiving fatalities and I've never had to deal with any BASE. I feel for you and your recent experiences. The six that I've seen bounce or at least ran out to find in the woods will haunt me too but I can eat OK.

    We're all on the list... We just don't know in which order...

  9. #9

    RE: Courthouse Fatality Report?

    in surfing, there is a saying that translates to BASE:
    "...You're always alone in big surf." I believe that the same holds true when you step (or make the decision to step) off an object; your life is in your hands, no matter who packed for you, rigged your shite, told you how to do something, or otherwise. BASE is a sport of decision making, and if your not up to it then save your friends and family the agony of getting you fixed or buried. What happened at Courthose was unfortunate, but ultimately we are all responsible for ourselves when we exit.

    >What if you partook in a jump that somebody
    >wasnīt prepared? Are you not then somewhat
    >responsible? And then again, is it your
    >responsibility to insure everyone on your load
    >is prepared? lack of prep can and has resulted
    >in jumpers being dead for a lot longer than one
    >feels bad for partaking in the jump.
    > what do you (and others) think?
    >take care,

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