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Thread: BASE in Middle East

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  1. #1

    BASE in Middle East

    I'm considering contract work for a couple of years in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Besides the tasty looking buildings around the city, any other potential sites? (in UAE or Saudi)

    Thanks, Spence

  2. #2

    RE: BASE in Middle East


    Dead Steve Morrell dodged the Reaper several years ago by jumpiong a 600-foot cliff in Saudi, having a 180 and slamming the wall, breaking both legs.

    This meant a medical military flight to Germany instead of his scheduled airline seat back to the U.S. -- aboard Pan Am Flight 103, which was bombed and crashed near Lockerby Scotland!

    (Dead Steve a few years later died for real during the Nationals in a CRW accident.)

    Anyway, there ARE some good sites in Saudi. I don't know where they are but I'm sure there are some good U.S. military topo maps or other sources to find out where they'd be.


  3. #3

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Im familiar with egypt myself, but allow me to make the suggestion that you NOT (repeat NOT) jump from any Mosques or Minarets. (just a friendly reminder NOT to try one of these tasties). Cya.

  4. #4

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    My BASE mentor Steve Morrell jumped around Dahran (spelling?), I believe. The cliff he had the wall strike was called "Rag's Head Point." The wall is not actually a wall but a point similar to the corner of a four sided building. Be reminded, the cliffs he was jumping are very isolated and when he was hurt, he was carried 7 miles on a FRIEND'S back.

  5. #5

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Why? Will they kill you over there for it? Even if you wear an American flag outfit?

  6. #6

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Regaqrdless of the penalties, a little deference to religious sensitivities of a host country is something every jumper should keep in mind.

  7. #7

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Don't jump the pyramids. They might be high but you need a very strong exit.

  8. #8

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    If anyone can contact Grant in the Dutch 8-way he may be able to help. From memory he was based in Dubai and managed a bunch of jumps from 400' cliffs

  9. #9

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Hey Spence,

    A friend of mine lives in Dubai and has for some time. He got a rig about 2 years ago and some training. He got a few really nice jumps, including the big sail shaped hotel - about a 1000 ft. - and then he got caught. His penalty was light - something to the effect of writing an apology to some government figure - but he was told if he jumped in Dubai again, he would get into some "real trouble." It was a big deal and the local police were informed as to what BASE jumping was all about.

    My friend figures that if he gets caught BASE jumping again, he will be escorted from the country. So you might want to think hard about having your fun from the many jumpable buildings in your neighborhood...

  10. #10

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    actually, its not so long ago at all that to be an infidel tramping your nasty little nonbeliever feet around one of Islams Holy sites (without the little cardboard booties they give you) would have seen you torn to pieces. What would happen to you today would remain sketchy until the police arrived. I was thinking of static-lining a Minaret long ago, but rapidly picked up local sentiment. Go climb the pyramids instead; these crumbling monoliths are enough adrenalin for even us. Dont worry about the guards, their guns are empty though they brandish them impressively. But as Skinflicker says, you cant jump them. their condition is such you could mogul ski them easier then climb down. Go do the Nilometer in Cairo instead.

  11. #11

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Not that there are any direct flights from any of the places you mentioned to Israel, but if you're in the neighborhood, drop me a line - base619 at hotmail.


  12. #12

    RE: BASE in Middle East

    Thanks for all the info! I have the opportunity to work in Dhahran and Jeddah also. The coastal mountain range along the Red Sea looks promising.

    Regarding buildings in Abu Dhabi/Dubai, how about this: jump from an easterly exit point while prayers are being held facing towards Mecca in the west :D .................this infidel doesn't want to get caught and get his deployment hand chopped in the town square!


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