yahoo muff muff muff i would be there with bells on. will be at twin falls labor day weekend hope to meet a few of yall there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65
yahoo muff muff muff i would be there with bells on. will be at twin falls labor day weekend hope to meet a few of yall there till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65
i'll be there. 8 bucks, twenty bucks, who cares. day time video kicks @*!!!!!
make it happen bro, make it happen.
$8 bucks US in Australian dollars can buy you a 2000ft tower and for $15 US in NZ dollars you can buy the North island .I love towers and antennas my fav object i would save for a year and come to the US to do it legal hope it comes together for you guys.
bsbd feral
I hear that the Kiwi's are selling the West island for $10 U.S.
I guess an important consideration would be whether it was within a reasonable (~4 hr) drive from a major hub airport. That would make it doable for most as a three day weekend destination rather than a week of vacation deal. I don't know why this enterprise would be any riskier from a legal standpoint than a skydiving DZ. And the capital investment has to be comparable to that of a turbine aircraft and facilities. There are plenty of people out there that make a living renting out space on towers they own and operate to other businesses. The independent operators I know of are all in the <300' range however where you are looking at $300,000 for a tower, if I remember correctly. I think probably the best chance for success would be to partner with the owner of an existing structure who's already doing a fine business without us, and convince him/her that the liability obstacles can be overcome, and make it worth their while.
Yes tom ,You are a funny cu#t
to people that don't know the west Island of NZ is Australia they use it to store their sheep but if they sold it for $10US it would fu#k up there stock market as they would no what to do with it .
Wait a second they would buy all your sheep in the states .
bsbd feral