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Thread: What's the deal

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    What's the deal

    Planning on going out to the Perrine Bridge Labor Day weekend. Does anyone know what the real deal is with the hand rail? Can we jump from the top or are we supposed to climb over? Memorial Day weekend most people went off the top of the hand rail. Don't want to screw up a good thing!! Let me know.
    Dave O:7

  2. #2

    RE: What's the deal

    its not illegal to go from the rail, BUT, highly discouraged by the locals. they say it distracts the drivers as they go by. if your down over the rail, they can barely see you. i wouldn't do it because like you said, we might ruin a great thing. have fun. see ya on the bottom.

  3. #3

    RE: What's the deal

    Three rules at the Perrine:
    Don't go in
    Don't jump from the hand rail
    Don't jump from the understructure

    All are intended to preserve the place for future use.

    Enjoy :-)

  4. #4

    RE: What's the deal

    we made a ramp to put under the rail and it worked great although some did jump from rail i think they prefer that you dont so we made a ramp and took it down each day when we were through i will be there over the labor day weekend and show you how we made it looking forward to seeing you there till then have fun & love each other seeya mb65 johnny gates

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