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Thread: base grading system/numbering system

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    base grading system/numbering system

    Is there a grading system in place for base, such as with climbing or kayaking? If not, it seems to reason that base would benefit both in the safety realm, and ego realm, from a loose system that quantifies the degree of difficulty of the jump. Such as Wind conditions(average and on jump), temp., Precip. event(i.e. cloud cover, bright sun, etc.), Commitment(i.e. middle of nowhere alone in Pakistan, vs. Bridge Day), Legallity(i.e. Kosher vs. being chased by twenty hounds upon landing), Height, etc...

    Ex: B W5, P0, C7, L10 H127> B7

  2. #2

    RE: base grading system/numbering system

    There has been discussion on this board and there may even be something within BLINC that addresses this. As I recall, one ide being played with was a 3-digit 10-based system that identified approach, jump and landing difficulty.

    For example, jump #1: easy approach, moderate freefall, black death landing area = 2-5-10.

    jump #2: death approach, death freefall, cake landing = 10-10-2.

    the idea being to grade each general area, and people can decide based on their own strong points which ones make most sense.

    a hard core climber with great body control but novice landing skill, for example, would not want to do jump #1, but jump#2 might be easily within his skill range.

    someone with great canopy skills who's not in great shape, on the other hand, might find jump #1 the way to go.

    and this system makes it like climbing: You can look it up in a book or someo other location (like blinc) and decide whether they place you WANT to go is the place you SHOULD go.

    I think some Aussies or Brits also worked on something kind of like this. I agree with you, thoug; a rating system similar to kayaking or climbing would be a blessing.


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