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Thread: advice (needed)

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    advice (needed)

    Howdy yall!!!
    Anyone ever have occaisional issues with starting to go head down AFTER pitching? This has sometime happened to me both going stowed and handheld. Not freeflying head-down but a discerible (albeit minor) axis change putting my head below th' horizon. No big deal, just don't wanna do that. Funny thing is I'm nice and head high till then. Weird. What do you think? And it doesn't seem to be from looking down either. Siggghhhh.

  2. #2

    RE: advice (needed)

    I've done that a couple times. It happened when I went stowed and as I reached back to pull, I cupped my shoulders and dearched. As I did that, I involuntarily curled my legs causing a slight rotation forward. Nothing too serious, but noticible. I fixed it by practicing my pull at home making sure my body stayed in the same position and that my arm moved around my body, not the other way around. Hope that helps. If you can, get a video of your next jump and maybe you can see what your doing.

  3. #3

    RE: advice (needed)

    Head down off the exit point is usually caused by:
    - pivoting or rolling off the exit point (your feet are the pivot point) OR
    - looking down - your body has a tendency to follow

    Solutions: launch your body off and keep your head up.

    When pitching it is often caused by:
    - straightening legs and bringing arms back symmetrically, thereby creating more drag at the rear of the body
    - de-arching and creating a turning moment towards the head and away from the feet. This is compounded by bringing the feet acloser to the body and/or dropping the non deployment hand down. It is similar in principle to a figure skater spinning faster when (s)he brings the legs into the body.
    - looking down during the deployment sequence.

    A top heavy rig may also have an influence too.

    Stay Safe
    Have Fun
    Good Luck

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