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Thread: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

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  1. #1

    Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    OK, Here's a couple questions some of you may be able to answer. what is the longest delay anyone has ever taken on a base jump? Does anyone know this? Is there any kind of record that has ever been claimed?

    Who has the most base jumps? How many is it? Is anyone over 2000 yet? That would be pretty cool!

    How about: What's the lowest base jump ever done? I briefly saw a video of a 63ft (I think) jump at Bridge Day once.

    What about: Who has the most objects? most buildings?

  2. #2
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Jun 1997
    Perigee Pro

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    Hello -

    I can answer a few of your questions, although all of them may not be completely accurate.

    As far as longest delay (non-wingsuit):

    I believe that Frank Gambalie held that record at one time. (and he still may) I think it was a 35 second delay from either the Troll Wall or somewhere in the Baffin Islands. Maybe someone else can elaborate on that one?

    Highest number of jumps:

    I'd be willing to bet it's Slim, who is at least 1,253 and counting.

    Most Objects:

    I've often wondered about this one, so I've always asked around out of curiosity when I'm around other jumpers. At the time of Frank Gambalie's death, he had 125 objects. I think Muff Brother #1 has 175+...pretty darn impressive if you ask me and I haven't found anyone else with more than that although there very well could be.

    Lowest Jump:

    I don't pay much attention to this one because it's such a grey area. Was it over water? If it's over hard earth, it eventually becomes a matter of how lucky was the person, etc. etc.

    Not putting it down, just doesn't interest me much.

    Anyone else have any info out there? If the people involved don't mind, finding out is a little nugget in the history of our sport - not to mention that it's pretty darn cool.

    By the way, is Huckin Idiot who I think it is...(SM or MD?) If so, shoot me an email! (It should be at the top of my post)



  3. #3

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    The longest non-wingsuit delay I know of was by a Norwegian from Trollspire on the Troll Wall in June 1999 (name withheld for obvious reasons).
    Wearing only a standard skydiving jumpsuit (with boosters) he took a 34.5 second delay until pilot chute release (timed off video). I know this object reasonably well and that is a mind bogglingly phenomenal example of tracking. Trollspire comprises of a 3300 wall and then a 2400 talus (5700 total). No one to this date has totally out-tracked the talus and gained the full 5700 without using a wingsuit.

    To my best knowledge (from reading a magazine interview with him and talking to a few people that knew about it) Frank Gambalie did a 26 second delay from Trollspire in '96 which he incorrectly claimed was the world record. 26 seconds from Trollspire is an average delay. Most experienced big wall jumpers / good trackers can easily get 28 secs without dumping super low (I personally know one Danish jumper who did 29 secs until p/c release on his first jump there).

    BTW. The Troll wall legality situation is similar to Yosemite except the fines are generally more (about US$2700 with confiscation of gear). Also if you are caught hiking up with gear the penalty is the same regardless of whether you have jumped or not. Anyone with you gets about a US$1700 fine for assisting. The police have an allocated budget each year to catch jumpers. They also have dogs to track you down and stake out the hike up. They are very intent on catching jumpers, believe me I know&.

    In regards to Baffin the longest freefalls I have heard of were 33 seconds from a very famous wall in spring 1998 (not Mt Asguard). Most people average about a 30 second delay from this wall.

    In regards to wingsuits I have heard of delays of around 1:15 (from Trollspire). This however is no-where near what is obtainable. I am sure we will see the two minute mark broken within a year or so.

    In regards to low stuff this is hard to define, as first you need to work out what defines a BASE jump. My personal definition is that you are relying on the deployment of a canopy to prevent you from being injured. Therefore if you jump and deploy a canopy from 50 over deep water I personally wouldnt consider it a BASE jump. Do it over land and it deserves an entry in the log book. Ive jumped a 60 bridge over knee deep water twice (D-bag deployed). I counted those as BASE jumps because I would have broken my legs (or worse) if the canopy didnt deploy.

    Most objects: Ive heard of a jumper with over 250 different objects although I dont know how reliable this information is.

    Most BASE jumps: From what I have heard Slim is definitely in the top three in the world. The other two are low key French jumpers whos names I wont publicize, but they have been quietly jumping away for well over a decade. I can vouch for the fact that Slims jump numbers are super accurate as many-a-time Ive witnessed him anally logging his jumps in an Excel spreadsheet. Slims probably done the most BASE jumps in a year as well, averaging about 400 a year over the last two years. I did over 300 last year and most of that was due to living with Slim (hes the BASE equivalent of a heroin junkie).
    If he wasn't so grumpy about getting up early in the morning I'm sure he'd have more as well (including a certain pristine 570' waterfall).

  4. #4

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    Yup Bryan, you got it. SM that's me. You're email was not on your post. Who are you? I know that Frank got at least 25 off Troll but I haven't seen or heard anything about 35. That sounds a little much but I've never been there and don't know a whole lot about that place. Frank never made it to Baffin. While he was on earth that is! Frank was the man though so he probably got 45 off of it!
    That low jump I saw I think was a 63 foot cliff into water. Whatever, I know that subject will start a lot of controversy anyway.
    What about: Lowest base jump over land that the person stuck? (walked away from unhurt)
    What about longest delay with wingsuit?

  5. #5

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    Thanks Dwain,
    Looks like you posted while I was writing my last one.
    So, here's what we have so far:

    1. Most jumps - Slim with 1,253??? or the two French dudes

    2. Most Objects - 250 maybe. Some guy Dwain has heard of.

    3. Lowest base jump - Dwain 60 ft. Into knee deep water. (I think Dwain, because its you we don't need a second opinion on that one. We will believe you you sick #####!)

    4. Longest delay - 1:15 off Troll wall. Some other dude that Dwain has heard of.

    5. Longest delay without wing suit - 34.5 seconds off Troll Wall.

    This is an good start. This thread has only been up for a day so it should be interesting to see what poeple say. Also, most of this stuff is speculation so if anyone has any facts that would be great!

  6. #6

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    >Slim (he’s the BASE equivalent
    >of a heroin junkie).

    Pot? Kettle? Black?

  7. #7

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    How about:

    1) Most rigs owned at one time...... I think Frank had 6

    2) Most heated arguments on the BASE Board.....Robin vs._____.

    3) Most accidents (covering all BASE objects) and still alive and (barely) walking.... that's got to be Muskat

    4) Most expensive boat ride out from a LZ.......Twin Falls :*

  8. #8

    RE: Most Expensive Boat Ride

    Lake Powell 1995... }>

  9. #9

    most building jumps

    There was a pretty active crew during the skyscraper building boom in Los Angeles during the 1980's that was started by Carl off of the Crocker building in 1980. Some jumpers really cashed in on the building jumps. L probably ended out with the most with around 300. He did close to 60 off of the big one, Library Tower(1100'). MV, RS,MH,MM probably did around 200 apiece. I did a few. Many of those bldgs were over 800 feet. I think that it was Hoover that said, "I knew that you guys were in serious trouble when you broke out the mesh sliders". It was the first time that he had seen one and he was right. The last one, Cal Plaza 2 was finished in 1990 and we all went through serious withdrawls after that, jumping that stupid 200' cliff all the time trying to get a hit of adrenaline. I ended out moving out of L.A. shortly thereafter in disqust. God that was so much fun back then. Enough adrenaline to choke a horse.

  10. #10

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    Yo !

    A couple of corrections: 1:15 was my last year's estimate of what could be taken off the Spire given the skill and equipment level back then. I believe the actual flight time record there is still hovering around a minute - from 2 years back. A minute-long flights have been taken off at least 3 other lower walls i know off, and there will be many new breathtaking wingsuit opportunities in the coming season. This really isn't BASE jumping any more - wingsuits are becoming a different sport.

    On counting objects: this is not an exact science, even less so than categorising objects into B.A.S.E. It is pretty much impossible to say how many objects does one really have. For example, you have jumped all 8 "official" exits at Kjerag (and a few points in between). How many objects did you just jump ? I have seen people count anywhere between 1 and 8... and this is not the trickiest place ;-)

    To sum it up: this is all a fun game, don't try to be serious! :-)



  11. #11

    Who was ?

    Who was the first jumper to make 1000 BASE jumps ?
    Was Earl Redfern, (god bless his soul) first ? Or does another person claim to be the first ?

  12. #12

    A bunch of crap!!!!!!

    Yea Yuri, you're right about the whole trying to count objects thing. As far as this records concept being taken too seriously, screw that! We're just freakin playing on the computer right? I know that this is all a bunch of horse crap when it really comes down to what matters. So anyway:

    1. Most jumps - Slim with 1,253??? or the two French dudes

    2. Most Objects - 250 maybe. Some guy Dwain has heard of. (This is a wierd one so take it however you want.)

    3. Lowest base jump - Dwain 60 ft. Into knee deep water. (I think Dwain, because its you we don't need a second opinion on that one. We will believe you you sick fuk!)

    4. Longest delay - Around 1:00 off Troll wall. Someone Yuri heard about. (Probably did it himself actually!)

    5. Longest delay without wing suit - 34.5 seconds off Troll Wall.

    6. Most building jumps - Around 300 by L.

    7. First person to get 1000 jumps - Earl Redfern? Anyone want to contest this? I've heard rumours that it was Dennis.

    8. Most bored ass wipe to spent too much time farting around on the base board in the last day - me.

  13. #13

    RE: A bunch of crap!!!!!!

    >7. First person to get 1000 jumps -
    >Earl Redfern? Anyone want to contest
    >this? I've heard rumours that it was

    First AMERICAN to get 1000 jumps - Earl Redfern.
    First person to get 1000 jumps - E.B. a number of years ago.

  14. #14

    RE: A bunch of crap!!!!!!

    I believe it is correct that EB hit 1000 jumps years ago, as well as a few others across the pond.

  15. #15

    RE: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

    YO! GUYS

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