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Thread: Boat rides at Perrine

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Whatever you do don't mention the war.
    I did a couple of times but I think I got away with it.

  2. #17

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Yes that is correct sir, but I was insinuating that Don might swing a $25.00 per ride for 4-5 people on an off weekend.

    Sorry we missed you Sunday morning. Next trip I am running with you guys... we thought the winds might give us a break, so we sat out at Candyland all morning waiting for them to come down. We called you back but you must have checked out. By the time we made to Tombstone you were gone and the winds were up.

    Enjoyed meeting you though and will look forward to crossing paths again. I'll keep you posted on the Vegas thing.



  3. #18

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    You go Frappichino!

  4. #19

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    If you want to pay less to get back from the LZ, Bring your own boat or hike your lazy ass out! If you don't like these two options, then kick down 7 duckets or go jump somewhere else!

  5. #20



    yea, you guys should have gone straight to Tombstone Sunday. But, I'll tell ya - I don't thing the winds picked up after we left - if ya know what I mean. PsychoKiwi didn't get his name from sheering sheep. yes, the landing area got a little bigger that day.

    Martian Bob

  6. #21

    RE: Tombstone

    Martian Bob.
    That little comment about the sheep counts as one point because of the insiuation that was carefully veiled underneath.So that puts you at 58 comments of same gender or animal sexuality.
    Only 42 away from that gender reassignment surgery and date with,Traci Lords?????
    Way to go Martian Bob.
    We're all so proud of you.We're also right behind you all the way too.
    You go girl.

  7. #22

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Maybe I'll just chuck a canoe over the side of the bridge and paddle back every time.
    Yeah I think I will do that.
    Any one got a paddle I can borrow?

  8. #23

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    I was hoping you would just take some water into your mouth and demonstrate the PsychoKiwi "oral expulsion technique" I've been hearing so much about. Is it true you can stun pretty sheep at 25 yards with one giant spit wad? Why are you going to Perrine anyway? The bridge is over water, which means there won't be anything around for you to break. If Mince Division is "First to Fight" then you are surely the advance bombing raid to "soften up the targets." (PsychKiwi BASE = Bombing Assault with Serious Excavation) BTW, I heard from a certain Nancy that you tore up the demo canopy. Shall I provide photos of the cause, or are you willing to pay the extra $2 it is now going to cost me for each boat ride?

  9. #24

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Jim JIm JIm.
    When are you guys gonna learn.Ya can't blackmail me I'm way to unpredictable.
    Yes the canopy got a couple of holes in it.
    yes the landing area at Tombstone got cleared a little more.
    And yes I am the Advance Party for the Mince Division.We'll do be doing a little recon around sunrise on Friday and then the onslaught will begin.We're gonna be taking out every thing that gets in our way.Trees,large shrubs,the boat,dozy jumpers mincing around in the landing area and of course other members of the "Division" partaking in multi ways.Jim this is gonna be WAR.
    Common sense,Awareness,solid canopy control,etc.That sh!t's going out the window.We're getting drunk before each jump,smoking crack,buying hookers and shooting guns.All right there at the boat ramp.
    This trip will become legendary.
    We're lookingt for a few good men to join the
    "Mince Division"So Jim if you think that you can handle the pressure,pier pressure that is,then look for me Friday as we will be enlisting likely suspects around noon.
    Cya there
    "Semper mince"Always Mincing.
    PS. Soft c#nts need not apply.

  10. #25

    Perrine Schedule

    I'll be there from Tuesday thru Sunday.

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