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Thread: Return of the BASE article

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Return of the BASE article

    Hey kids, remember me? I came on the board about a month and a half ago looking for help with a BASE article for a student magazine at the U of MN. While I got a serious verbal beatdown from some, most of you offered me lots of help, photos and experiences, and it has been greatly appreciated. The magazine is in production stages now and I believe the BASE piece will be the cover story. Yay! Because it's a student magazine we aren't selling it (no budget!) but instead sending copies out to different newspapers, magazines and organizations. The point of this posting is to see if anyone knows of some BASE organizations, clubs, etc. that might be interested in getting a copy. Hopefully it will meet with approval.

  2. #2

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    Hey Monica...if you can e mail it to me I will put it on the new website me and Craig have been working on...


    Or you can post one to me whichever is easiest..



  3. #3

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    Contact the CJAA (Cliff jumpers association of america). They put out a newsletter called the Rockhopper. Mick Knutson who runs this board is the president. Or you can contact the IPBC at Also Skydiving magazine has articles in each monthly issue about BASE Jumping. If you have any questions you can contact me at Sorry about some of my irreverant :) collegues on your earlier posting. But boys will be boys ;)

  4. #4

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    Very keen on getting copies to read and share
    Please send to Basic Research, 236 East Third St, #D, Perris, CA 92570
    Thank you

  5. #5

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    The Oregon Base Association would absolutely love to recieve a copy of your fabulous magazine. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not but we have perhaps one of the best B.A.S.E. programs in the country located right here in Oregon. Why the current I.P.B.C. champion lives right here amoung us.Over the past few years we have even gone so far as to import some young jumpers from Australia and train them up to be champions.If you could send us a copy or two of this splendid magazine we would be honored.

    Thank you,

  6. #6

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    Get over yourself Nik.

  7. #7

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    your best bet is to scan it and email to Mick Knutson from the US Base Board +

    Australian BASE Association

    or PO Box 347 Wollongong NSW 2520 Australia

    + THe Norwegians and Italians and Germans and ??? have organisations.

  8. #8

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    1st: Monica, when you choose to NOT add your e-mail address, NOBODY has the ability to contact you!

    2nd: I would love to see this article either electronically, or via snail mail. E-mail me to get my address.

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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  9. #9

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    If you saw even half of the insulting, degrading, or otherwise perverse emails I got off of this website after my original posting you would understand why I was hesitant in putting it up a second time. But because I didn't put it on I am unable to email you to get your address. So hopefully you'll check back and send your snail mail address to

  10. #10

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    >Get over yourself Nik.

    Sorry but we have no OBA.....and therefore no spokesman
    Would our OBA "spokesperson" please identify themselves so we can drag you out for a jump...
    First pin checks on us.....

  11. #11

    RE: Return of the BASE article


    If you're going to write anonymously and then deny it, at least post in a way that doesn't sound so Pom. You even spelled among like a Pom.

    Congratulations on your win. Enjoy it, because the next champion will be a native Californian.


  12. #12

    RE: Return of the BASE article

    >most of you offered me lots of help, photos and
    > experiences, and it has been greatly appreciated

    That's all groovy, but I want to know if you ran the FINISHED product by some jumpers before sending it to press. I sure hope so - It is too often that we see an article written by a well-meaning whuffo who enlisted all kinds of help by well-meaning jumpers, but when the article comes out, some real important points get lost or twisted in the translation. The writer just doesn't have the foundation to put together all the data accurately.

    I read crap like that and wonder why the writer couldn't just have it proofed for accuracy before putting it to bed. If you have done so, congratulations and forgive me. If you haven't, shame on you and on any jumper who helped you without insisting on getting a crack at final editing suggestions.

    BSBCP, 350

  13. #13

    Tree-fitty the half-witty

    Another BASE jumper show what an idiot he is, and an il;l-mannered one at that.

    If you BUY the space, you get editorial review and approval; if it's editorial material, you must live with the judgment and skill set of the reporter.

    That is the way it is done. Period.

    For you to preach at this college student and talk trash to her for something you are utterly clueless about is just another exampple of why so many BASE jumpers come across like arrogant ignorant know-it-alls to reporters... remember, Half-witty, most reporters mostly report on what they see and hear, not what their personal opinion is.

    That is why a lot of BASE stories come out badly; because the subjects of the stories behave badly, communicate badly, and, as you so eloquently demonstrated, have a bad attitude.

    Your condescension toward Monica is so ridiculously obvious, you're EXACTLY the kind of bozo who talks to reporters and ends up with a story that makes BASE jumpers all look like... bozos.

    Robin Heid
    BASE 44

  14. #14

    Reading Comprehension; Judgment

    Jeez, old-timer, take it easy - you're gonna blow a gasket. Sooooooo sorry to upset you like that - hope you didn't cry.

    Seriously, did you even really read my post? Slowly - maybe even move your lips so you comprehend the words. Try it. It seems only fair before you publicly flame your way into yet another self-righteous, angry, irrational, misspelled embarrassment to yourself and the BASE community.

    You spew about "editorial review" and "personal opinion" - where in the post does it even mention these things? My point, and I stand by every single word, is about TRYING to help get facts and context straight before printing an article, especially one about a group of people and an activity that is already commonly misunderstood and misquoted. Specifically, what is your problem with this?

    It is a common phenomenon, Robin, for amateur journalists to gather, gather, gather and then write, write, write. As we have all witnessed, this can lead to inaccurate, out of context, embarrassing, inflammatory, and harmful articles. My post called for "getting a crack at final editing suggestions" and "proofed for accuracy". Move your lips, Robin. Comprehend, Robin.

    Without resorting to conclusions about my character, intelligence, attitude, or the number of clown genes I carry, tell us what you find so offensive about these ideas. Can you address any of the actual statements in my post rather than just respond to how they made you feel about me? Looking at your past whiny, on-line tantrums, I'm not sure you can. You know, even my 8-year-old can engage in a discussion without resorting to defamation.

    Attitude? I will certainly cop to being weary of lame articles hurting the BASE community, especially when a simple proofing by a jumper before printing could have helped. And, I clearly have a point to make about jumpers helping journalists blindly, without knowing their angle or motive, without even asking for a chance to see if they are going to print drivel before it is too late. Yes, I know that ultimately the writer can write whatever she wants to, but WHY NOT see if she will let you help her edit for accuracy before it is done? How is that clueless, idiotic, condescending, etc.? Well, Great One?

    I have my fears, but I made no assumptions about Monica, her intent, her competence, her character, or her article. I try to avoid making those kinds of judgments about someone I don't know and whose work I don't know. While pointedly voicing my ideas and concerns, I made it clear that I didn't know if those concerns were valid in this particular case. Yeah, my post was a little defensive, but I had a point to make - a good one. Get over it, Robin - take a pill, kick your dog, keep ranting, do what you have to do.

    Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;
    Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.

    BASE 350 (honest)

    P.S. Sincerely, thanks for all the good things you have done over the years to promote and protect BASE.

  15. #15

    Apology accepted, and thanks

    Apology accepted, Gary, and thanks for the kind words. It's nice to be appreciated, even if it is at the end of a spirited discussion. You do make good points, and I guess I'm just fed up with people on this board messing with Monica. Sorry to pick on someone so obviously articulate and thoughtful, but that definitely didn't come through on your first post.

    Happy flicking,


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