The O.B.A. would like to extend our deepest apologies to our champion for the abuse he has recieved since our last post. At the same time we would like to express our absolute disgust with horrifying thought that anyone could even attempt to question the integrity of such a wonderful man. This is obviously some sort of a jealous attempt to robb from him some of the glory which he so deserves. It is our philosophy at tha O.B.A. that we as a community should try to learn from the great people of our time rather than resenting them.
For those interested in the O.B.A we are a non profit religious organization aimed at generating a tax free profit for the enjoyment of all those affiliated. In an effort to give something back to the base community the O.B.A. will be giving a seminar on how to graciously accept awards from the I.P.B.C..
Thank you for your continued support!