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Thread: Pongo for President

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Pongo for President

    Although a significant constituency of the Portland crew are bloody foreigners(read we don't get to take a 3 hour lunch next Tuesday) we would like to go on record by endorsing Pongo Shalikashvilli for President.
    With his simple yet eloquent mastering of....well to be brutally honest we have no idea, we still think he's the man to lead us into battle.


    We thankyou for your support.

    We hope

  2. #2

    RE: Pongo for President

    I agree that Pongo has eloquently mastered something - maybe a little too well. His foreign sham is just a bit too contrived. If I had my guess, I'd say this Pongo isn't foreign at all - and he's probably voting for Bush to top it off!

    It is, however, very funny stuff. Almost had me fooled.

    And to the Portland foreigners (regarding the 3 hour lunch on election day) - remember... YOU'RE IN OUR COUNTRY! QUIT WHINING OR GO HOME!

  3. #3

    Humour my friend

    Sig Heil meine fuhrer

  4. #4

    RE: Pongo for President

    hello people.
    I am sorry that I do not understand American humor very well. I do understand that I am not really expected to run for president but I do thank you for your confidence, Portland crew. You seem decent fellows.
    But I am saddened by the "meine fuhrer" reference. That is a sad chapter in my country's past and I do not understand to whom it was directed. If my messages are too much loud I apologize and will not be so boisterous. Thank you everyone.

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