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Thread: BASE article help!

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  1. #1

    BASE article help!

    Come on, who wants to help a sweet college girl with a BASE article? I am working on a magazine at the U of MN and am in search of any and all who will talk to me about the sport. I promise it will be relatively painless! Send me an email if you are interested...I will even send you the finish product when it comes out if you help me. Does it get better than that??

  2. #2

    RE: does it get any better?

    Yeah, when you suck my dick!

  3. #3

    RE: does it get any better?

    Come on - it's all well and good taking the piss and having a laugh but that's a bit offensive.

  4. #4

    RE: BASE article help!

    First let's see a photo of this sweet college girl. Then maybe we'll talk. If she is hot, I am willing to take her. And I'm willing to talk to her about jumping too. I can even set up a jump or two for her to watch, for a small price of course. Well, i suppose it's okay even if the price is big and well used, as long as it is wet and fairly clean. I can even do a jump off her if she wants, but I get to jump on first.

  5. #5

    RE: BASE article help!

    well now the freedom of the press allows us to ignore you as you are all untrustworthy you distort and twist the truth.
    sorry am i taring all reporters with the same brush...
    if you want to talk to some jumpers along with the rest of the press get your ass to bridgeday and interview people who are prepared to talk to you face to face.
    you should have a wide enough selection to get a good cross section of the lemings and others who attend.

  6. #6

    Reply to 'free press'

    I think it's pretty sad when you, a member of a group that hates to be judged, decides exactly who and what I am about without even bothering to ask. I would "get my ass to bridgeday" if I didn't live in MN and wasn't working for FREE on this magazine, giving me no discernable. So feel free to send me some pictures! All I want is to do a piece on what BASE jumping is, who does it and why. The magazine it will be in is about different things people are passionate about, and BASE seems to have a lot of passionate members, yourself included as your hate mail shows. The plan is to be objective, fair, and just share some information about the sport. I am sorry if in the past you have been treated badly by "the press" but that doesn't include me, and I don't think it's fair to assume I am like everyone else. If you don't want to help me, that's fine. If anyone is still skeptical, check out my work on the web, I am a sportswriter for the U of MN's paper. The address is

  7. #7

    RE: Reply to 'free press'

    Hey Monica,
    I must say that with your persistance you should get something, I'm afraid though it's not going to be easy for you. The only good media projects that I've seen done on us in the past were some college newspapers(like yours). Unfortunately we've had so many bad experiences with the media we just don't care to deal with them, nothing personnal. We've been crucified by them time and time again. We say and do one thing and they print/broadcast something totally different.

  8. #8

    I have a supporter!!!

    Hey Keith, you kick ass. And I am hoping my persistence pays off in some people helping me make this the article that changes everyone's impression about journalists! I have no desire/reason to trash BASE jumpers (or suck their dicks, BILL) so I hope someone will help me.

  9. #9

    RE: I have a supporter!!!

    tried the address. didn't work. try again.

  10. #10

    RE: I have a supporter!!!

    Anon where you from dude ? from Israel ?

  11. #11

    RE: BASE article help!

    Answers to your questions Monica.
    Who does it?
    I do.
    I did a lot of drugs as a child. Well, as a teenager, and as an adult. Scuse me while I go smoke some more.
    Anyone who knows me, should know what acid is.
    That reminds me, In a week or two, I have to go do some drugs and jump off some shhit. Feel like a trip Monica??? All the photos you want. All the discussions you want. None of the dick sucking you don't want. Maybe just the sex. That way we both get off.
    ......kind of like a two way.....we'll discuss that later

  12. #12

    RE: BASE article help!

    If you are still looking for help, Please mail me!

  13. #13

    Nice try, Nazi punks

    The above post is one of those I mentioned in my Sorry Monica post... more likely to be a Nazi Punk than a punk BASE jumper. Obviously, no one familiar with Mr. Leary's view of life would write such a thing, as it is purely caricature written from the standpoint of a law enforcer with a Nazi Punk mentality.

    Which reminds me... there are some who feel offended that I call NPS rangers Nazi Punks. They feel this overstates the case, that these guys aren't "real" Nazis -- you know, no ovens or firing squads, I guess.

    These people don't understand the language... the noun here is PUNK, not Nazi... Nazi is an adjective that describes what kind of punks they are.

    ANd they are Punks with Nazi pretensions (no kidding, some of them actually sort of like being called Nazis... more macho than "ranger," most likely). They hunt for BASE jumpers in exzactly the same way the Nazis hunted for Jews.

    And they single us out and demonize us and declare our particular form of social conduct as illegitimate and "inappropriate" in exactly the same way the Nazis did to the Jews. They use informants. They lie about us.

    Same process. Same mentality.

    But they're NOT Nazis. They're punks pretending to be Nazis.

    That's the difference.

    Listen to their rhetoric, the reasons they put forth for justifying their conduct.

    Just the most utterly ridiculous ones first:

    "Six BASE jumpers have died in 20 years in Yosemite."

    This is one of Nazi Punk Scott Gediman's favorite (he's Yosemite's punk Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's propaganda minister). But tell us, Punk Goebbels, how many people have died during the past 20 year in Yosemite from... drum roll here:

    a) drowning
    b) traffic accidents
    c) murder
    d) climbing

    Let's see how Punk Goebbels answers this one, then we'll go to the next piece of Nazi Punk propaganda.



  14. #14

    RE: Nice try, Nazi punks

    There have been over 20,000 jumps in the park since 1980. 16,000 of which are acknoledged by the NPS.
    I believe 4 of these jumps could have been prevented if the jumping was LEGAL.

    So we have best case:
    1 death in every 10,000 jumps

    Worse Case:
    1 death in every 3,333 jumps.

    Even worse case is pretty dam excellent!

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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  15. #15

    RE: BASE article help!

    Is this really you? Need help?

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