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Thread: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...............

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  1. #1

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...............

    I saw Sixty Minutes a few weeks ago and decided what I want to do with my life ; base jumping . I want the focus of my life to be around that one goal , and I'm willing to sacrifice all the negative things in my life in order to do it . Not being one to just "dive in " to anything , I wa wondering how to get started . If you can help me with any info , I would apreciate it so much .Spefically , I need to know ;

    I know you need to master skydiving first . What aspects do I need to work on ?(exit, jump height , tech knowledge , etc.)

    How can I become active in the base jumping community without jumping right away ?

    How does the skill of a persons jump get rated ?(ie, in a base jumping competittion )

    I would love to hear from anyone who wants to e-mail me at We can talk about base jumping , life , whatever !I will also be in the base chat room at 4:30 pm tuesday 4/25 , thanx to anyone for just reading this

    Dave Wordell

  2. #2

    RE: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...............

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-00 AT 02:16 PM (PST)[/font][p]Hi Dave,

    I started writing this as an email to you privately, but then realized that there may be other folks surfing this board and not posting, who might be interested in some of these answers.

    A few things to note:

    1) You (and likely I, as well) are about to get FLAMED big time by at least half the people who read this board. They will call you ignorant, foolish and reckless, as well as questioning your parentage, intelligence and personal hygiene. Try to take this philosophically, and keep in mind that most of us are much nicer in person.

    2) Mick has posted a number of informative articles on other parts of, so surf around the site and read as much as you can. In particular check out "Knowledge BASE: Misc: Starting BASE," a good, helpful how to guide on starting BASE. Also, I found Dwain Weston's article on getting into BASE (find it at, which is the Australian Base Association Web Site) very helpful when I started. Do not accept that anyone is the authority on these things, and talk to as many people as you can.

    3) Just so you know where I'm coming from... I am a relatively inexperienced BASE jumper. I have around 130 jumps, and have only been an active jumper for around eight months now. I am far from being an authority. So, please, take everything I say with a grain of salt. However, having gone through the entire process you are looking to undergo within the last year myself (I made my 1st parachute jump last May--now I'll really get flamed), I really do want to help you.

    OK, here's my best shot at answering some questions for you.

    >I know you need to master skydiving first . What aspects do I need to work on ?(exit, jump height , tech knowledge , etc.)

    First, just learn to skydive. Skydiving has many disciplines, and a great deal to offer. You may even discover that it is so rewarding that it'll push BASE out of your mind. Do not attempt to make low skydives (or to make low pulls on high skydives) thinking they'll help you to become a BASE jumper.

    If you are serious about BASE, don't succumb to the temptation to downsize to a high performance elliptical canopy. In fact, I'd recommend upsizing to a big seven cell like the ones used for BASE. That way every skydive will help you get used to flying a BASE canopy.

    Learn as much about rigging as possible. Many skydivers think of their parachutes as black boxes that they use and ignore. Don't do this! Talk to your rigger, learn about your parachute, think about how it works. Read every article you can find on rigging, or BASE (The Aussie BASE page has some good ones at, and there's a great series written by Walt Apfel, which can be found at One day these things might save your life. BASE is far more knowledge dependent than skydiving.

    As far as skydiving skills to work on: Focus on landing accuracy and canopy control. Neither of these are very important in skydiving, when you're fairly clear of obstacles and landing on a big open field. In BASE, they are critical. If you're dead set on BASE as your thing, try jumping some accuracy and maybe do a little CRW on your way to learning the skills necessary to make that first BASE jump. (But don't forget to mess around with skydiving itself and have fun!)

    >How can I become active in the base jumping community without jumping right away ?

    Find a local jumper and offer to ground crew. We almost always need good, reliable ground crew. This is also a good way to meet and get to know jumpers in your area, so it's easier to find a teacher later on. If you live in Portland, Oregon, I understand that they'll even buy you beer for ground crewing. (Just be careful that they don't make you start crossdressing as well...)

    You can also go to Bridge Day (in October, in Fayeteville W.V.) and offer to help out working the landing area or some other job. If you're not jumping (jumpers really compete for the spots, since it gives jumping priority) I'm sure they'd be glad to put you to work. Or, you could just go to Bridge Day and hang out. Conversely, if you're real motivated, you could go to Bridge Day 2000 and make your first jumps there. More information on Bridge Day can be found at, the official Bridge Day site, or at any of the dozens of unofficial Bridge Day sites run by jumpers the world over.

    >How does the skill of a persons jump get rated ?(ie, in a base jumping competition )

    Currently the majority of competition scores are for opening heading and landing accuracy. Some style points are also given at the Bridge Day comp for aerials, but most of the competition is for heading and accuracy. More information on competition and scores can be found at, the home page of the International Pro Base Circuit.

    OK, now here's a few of my rambling thoughts on starting BASE.

    1) Make absolutely certain it's really what you want. This sport is dangerous, often illegal and very addictive. It will take over your life. I would never advise someone to get into it (and I have found it to be the most rewarding experience of my life). In my short time in this sport I've seen two life flight helicopters, the inside of a police car, several broken bones and a funeral. Are you sure you really want to do this?

    2) Make at least 200 skydives. Less than that and you'll probably not have your canopy skills developed enough for the BASE environment (which is harsh, scary and very unforgiving).

    3) Find a teacher who you TRUST WITH YOUR LIFE (because that's exactly what you will be doing), and who has at least 200 BASE jumps. Don't skimp on this! Lots of people with less jumps will offer to teach you. Don't cheat yourself by letting them. If you can't find a qualified teacher, take a first jump course from one of the manufacturers (see, or It'll cost money, but it may keep you alive. My preference though, would be to find a good, qualified teacher, because they can help you through your first 20, 50 or 200 jumps, where a first jump course (by it's nature) will leave you on your own much sooner. And, after you're fairly proficient, you'll be valuable enough to them as a partner that it shouldn't continue to be a drag for them to jump with you.

    4) NEVER DO ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT TO YOU. If you're not ready for something, don't do it. We all determine our own learning speeds, and there is no way to know in advance what you'll be comfortable with. But don't be pushed into doing things you're not ready for by overeager partners or teachers.

    5) Most important of all, NEVER BE AFRAID TO BACK DOWN. It takes far more courage to back off the exit point than to jump. There are definitely times when it is right to back off, and knowing when to heed that little voice in your head is critical to your survival. This sport is very, very serious, and taking it lightly will hurt, maim, or kill you in short order.

    And my final disclaimer. I am not an authority. Trust yourself.

    If you have more questions, or want to chat about BASE, drop me a line at (or if you're in Northern California somewhere, give me ring and I'll be happy to sit down and try to talk some sense into you).

    Blue Skies, Black Death,

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: The troll of a thousand fish begins with one post...............

    Hi Dave,
    Some posters of this Board have been been very clever at trolling. I pride myself in busting Trollers, I bust you for trolling, This is not to say that trolling is definatively negative, This is a very positive troll you are doing, I commend you for this one, I thought the Moab Troll was outstanding also, on the positive side......I really think that a well planned troll combined with challenging things that are "known", to make one think about the so called "given" from a different perspective only serves as a catlyst for enlightenment in our sport....Your cleverness is making people think.....This in itīs self is a art....Keep up the good work.
    I honestly appreciate it and will only bust your trolling by email if you wish....though this is more fun......

    To the doubters of this being a troll; what were the 3 most obvious signs?

    "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever!"
    Napoleon Boneparte

    "Beauty is in the eye of the Bierholder"

  4. #4

    RE: The troll of a thousand fish begins with one post...............

    If you live in Portland, Oregon, I understand that they'll even buy you beer for ground crewing. (Just be careful that they don't make you start crossdressing as well...)

    Selection of the appropriate gear for any jump is always of paramount importance out here in the pin two pins lets talk garter belts....we might just take you home with us to show you are packing techniques...


  5. #5

    RE: The troll of a thousand fish begins with one post...............

    Space ,
    your message left me a might confused . I kind of understand what you mean by trolling , but what am I trolling for , exactly ? Do you just consider me a wannnabe jumper or what ? I tried to be as honest and sincere in my posting , maybe it just came off insincere to you . What were my three trolling clues ? Did I commit some kind of net faux paux ?
    I am honest in my pursuit of knowledge , and trying to keep people out of this sport will only make it wither and die . I hope you will e-mail me an educational message about this trolling thing .

    "Blessed is he who , in the name of charity and good will , shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness , for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children ."
    Ezekiel 25:17

    "Life is much too serious to be taken seriously "
    John Sequin

    " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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