I saw Sixty Minutes a few weeks ago and decided what I want to do with my life ; base jumping . I want the focus of my life to be around that one goal , and I'm willing to sacrifice all the negative things in my life in order to do it . Not being one to just "dive in " to anything , I wa wondering how to get started . If you can help me with any info , I would apreciate it so much .Spefically , I need to know ;
I know you need to master skydiving first . What aspects do I need to work on ?(exit, jump height , tech knowledge , etc.)
How can I become active in the base jumping community without jumping right away ?
How does the skill of a persons jump get rated ?(ie, in a base jumping competittion )
I would love to hear from anyone who wants to e-mail me at david32179@hotmail.com We can talk about base jumping , life , whatever !I will also be in the base chat room at 4:30 pm tuesday 4/25 , thanx to anyone for just reading this
Dave Wordell