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Thread: Gravity Sports?

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  1. #1
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Gravity Sports?


    Does anybody have contact information for Gravity Sports?

    And does anyone know what their production schedule is like with Dennis out of commission? (Or when they'll start up again if things are shut down?)

    I'm interested in getting a Vision, but I don't have any contact info.


    --Tom Aiello

  2. #2

    The Vision

    Hi Tom,

    This is Brenda - our info:

    Gravity Sports, ltd.
    10472Iris Rd.
    Truckee, CA 96161-2532

    In answer to your question...I can build most of the rig, but have never learned the harness as i just haven't taken the time to do so. But, Dennis will be getting out of Washoe Cnty very soon here, the latest being Jan 5th - with any luck perhaps as soon as next week (the 22nd). If you would like to order a rig at this point, i can get it cut for you and most of the container work up to the harness.

    Please contact me as to how I can be of service to you and thanx for your interest in us! With Dennis out of the loop these past three months, we can most certainly use the business! *S*

    I work part time at a ski mtn. here in Tahoe, but I do have an answering machine and check my email daily.

    Again thanx Tom and looking forward to hearing from you.....

    Peace & Blue Skies....brenda

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