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Thread: Why Base Jump?

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  1. #1

    Why Base Jump?

    Before my first base jump my mind was very chaotic. Always thinking about a thousand things at once. There seemed to be a dark cloud of chaos blocking my vision. I found that base helped me focus my mind and energy. It helped me find what Zin calls the now. I found that while base jumping there was no thought of the future or the past. No worries about paying bills or what I was going to do with my life There was just now, just survival, it slowed seconds into minutes. I could taste the air and see through the darkness that was clouding my mind. It helped me focus on what was important as I saw the world fly by my eyes. From that point on I new what I was to become. There is nothing that will stop me at this point. Base is everything to me now and I am dedicating my life to the art.

    Every person should have the right to pursue there dreams and to do what makes them truly happy. I only hope one day you too will find the feeling that fulfills your life. Rangers need to understand base is more then just a sport, it's my life and I should have the right to live it. How would you feel if someone was trying to take away your right to live your life the way you choose? Imagine a world where skiing was illegal because it was to dangerous. Or a place where you were not aloud to ride a dirt bike because it was deemed unsafe by people that had never ridden a dirt bike.

    It's a very sad thing that I live in a country that's credo is land of the free yet I have to fly half way around the world to a country run by a king (Norway) in order to have the freedom to participate in the art that fulfills my life.

    I know you can't understand the art of base but can you understand the dream? Have you ever had the dream of flight? Can you imagine what it feels like to be a bird? To stand on the edge of a cliff and step off? To take flight and see the world from another level? Why do we base jump? For the same reason you wake up every morning. To live...


  2. #2

    Stage One, the best. . . ?

    You've got the fire, brother. I envy you. Hang onto it for as long as you can . . .

    The various stages of BASE jumping:

    Stage One = "BASE" is all you can think about.
    Stage Two = "You" is all you can think about.
    Stage Three = (I'm not sure yet).


  3. #3


    How to proceed from stage 1 to 2:

    a)Scare yourself silly, or
    b)Break bones, or worse yet
    c)Get married

    I got there by method c).

  4. #4

    ONE GOOD reason!!!

    Why BASE jump?? Well, because the won't let me skydive at the dropzone because my reserve is past it's 120 day mandatory repack!!!!

  5. #5


    ...because it's fun.

  6. #6

    No reason

    There are many friendly riggers around. Many of which are BASE-friendly, as well!


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