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Thread: Ethics in Norcal

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Ethics in Norcal

    Hey when you guys gonna learn?

    Jumping off the bridge in the middle of the day is bad.

  2. #2

    RE: Ethics in Norcal

    Was it a bust situation? How was this information obtained? Email me.

    Stay safe out there! ---Dex
    "They can take our rigs but they can never take our jump!" ---Kmonster

  3. #3

    RE: Ethics in Norcal

    Guy. Singular. Not middle of day. Morning light. More hidden of the two pillars. No one around.
    So that he could get sweet video and show it off and brag about it to all you whiners just to piss you off. And because the Bitch Board hasn't had enough bickering lately. And because Nor Cal needs a new object burner to hate.
    Oh yea, and to send it to your sponsor, Greg, to show them what poor base ediquette is compared to how trustworthy and righteous you are.

  4. #4

    RE: Ethics in Norcal

    When there is a vested commercial interest, there is a right way to obtain footage for your own self promotion.

    Objects in California have been burned for years and will continue to be burned for years to come. There are just too many jumpers and not enough resources. You can choose to be part of the reason our BASE resources will disappear or choose to help preserve them.

    Hey the Base Board was getting boring, not enough controversy.......

  5. #5

    RE: Ethics in Norcal

    >Hey the Base Board was getting boring, not
    >enough controversy.......

    "Gee, Nick your rag (defunct) reads like National Geo Freaking Graphic, people want controversy!"

    --- Andy Calistrate
    Editor, The BASE Gazette (defunct.)

    BASE 194

  6. #6

    RE: Ethics in Norcal

    It doesn't matter! Jump it when you want to! We are planning a 6 way noon Xmas day on the green

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