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Thread: static line or direct bag??

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  1. #1

    static line or direct bag??

    135' cliff,nice landing area. My question is, do I get the d\b out or do I use the s\l ?? I have 30ish s\l's from 158'-180'. I am curious of the performance of the d\b. I am jumping a 205 v-tec. Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: static line or direct bag??

    I've static lined a similar object -- 132' silo, wide open landing area, using a v-tec Fox 245. I had time to unstow my toggles, with a couple of seconds at full flight before I had to flare.

    Things I consider really important:

    (1) No-momentum launch. It's takes some getting used to with a solid object behind, but if you have a 180, you're not going to do much of a correction from 135', anyway. My experience has been that you can push as hard as you want when jumping from 165', but when you get into the 135' range, it's very important to do lauch without momentum.

    (2) To unstow the toggles, pull all the way down, then let up in a controlled manner. This prevents oscillation, which again is really important around that height range.

    I'm a bit of an s/l junkie, and haven't yet had the chance to use a d-bag. My experience has been that my canopy will being producing lift after about 120' using a static line (and doing what I can to minimize canopy oscillation). Below that, I just seem to hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, and would probably consider using a d-bag (that is, after trying it on something higher first).

    So anyway, definitely for anything 120' and over I would favour the simplicity/familiarity of the static line system.


  3. #3

    RE: static line or direct bag??

    If you get 'Skydiving' magazine you can see Mike S/L'ing a 140' bridge pillar in the BR Ad.

    This is a very reproducible jump with a Fox V-tec, but you should gradually work down to it.

    Go to the Blinc Photo Gallery under 'Other' to see the 132' grain silo. (BTW The off heading is due to a 5 mph crosswind)

    It seems like 120' S/L is the cutoff to manage a flare w/standup.

    Anything lower comes down to how well you can crash....(er, I mean PLF)

    Carl Boenish had it right when he said the whole world is jumpable.

    <<Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, please don't attempt any of this if you have any sense. There are many other variables such as altitude ASL, temperature, S/L technique, wing loading, how bendable you are, God's Hand, etc and don't do it with a non vented/valved canopy!!!>>
    Last edited by base587; August 4th, 2005 at 11:37 AM.

  4. #4

    RE: static line or direct bag??

    Static lined a 98ft bridge (lazered) on Mojo 260. Didn't get toggles, I PLF pritty good and it was soft grass. I think this was a very lucky jump but while repeat and film when I get the chance. I'm also going to drop a line to get exact confarmatin on hight.

    I didn't know it was 98 ft when I jumped it.........

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: static line or direct bag??

    Nice job! Spence and I have static-lined 111 feet (laser) five times between us, and it seems fairly repeatable.

    Our landing is also a PLF into soft grass. On one occasion I could possibly have stood up the landing, but I think in these cases it's best to have a plan beforehand, and stick to it.

    Just curious... How high did you think the bridge was when you jumped it?


    P.S. Damn, just realized you jumped that thing with a Mojo...

    We were using v-tec Fox 245's because they are able to pressurize a bit quicker, so they begin to produce lift sooner. But on 111', they weren't producing lift anyway (well, they were almost producing lift, but not quite).

    Possibly for anything lower than 110' or so, vents aren't as much help as I'd assumed. It's food for thought, anyway. Good to think more specifically about what advantage the v-tec gives, rather than thinking of it as a panacea for low objects.

  6. #6

    RE: static line or direct bag??

    Of course this hasn't been tested a whole bunch but...

    The Quad in my experience is quite a bit faster opening than any st. line.
    So is the Tard.
    Heading performance seems to be better as well.

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: static line or direct bag??

    >If you get 'Skydiving' magazine you can see Mike S/L'ing a 140' bridge pillar in the BR Ad.

    Pillar and girders look the same, but canopy is different. Different jumper? Spence, are you SB?

    > Go to the Blinc Photo Gallery under 'Other' to see the 132' grain silo. (BTW The off heading is due to a 5 mph crosswind)


  8. #8

    RE: static line or direct bag??

    Nice shot!!!

    Be safe............... be photogenic!

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: static line or direct bag??

    Same object, different jumper. Blue on blue is Spence.


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