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Thread: not really sure

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  1. #1

    not really sure

    what does the ground crew really do? How does it help when i'm ready to BASE?

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Ground Crew

    The usefulness of your ground crew depends on many factors (object, other jumpers, etc). Here's my short list of what they have to do to be good ground crew:

    1) Keep you notified via radio of any changes in conditions (wind, law enforcement, etc).

    2) Never panic.

    3) Be ready to help with any death or injury resulting from the load.

    4) Call for help in the event of an accident.

    5) Stand lookout and/or be a distraction in the event of a near-bust situation.

    Ground crew is, in my opinion, most useful as a final safety net in the event that you are jumping alone.

    Bad ground crew choices are: friends who want to see you jump, girls you want to impress, anyone who loses their cool in pressure situations.

    Good ground crew choices are: people who don't need to see the jump itself, people with medical training, people who can afford the consequences of a bust.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: Ground Crew

    A1 post, Tom.

    I don't think I've ever seen it written on here so succinctly.

    It's a big responsibility. If you're asked, remember...It's a burden, not a pleasure. ie when someones says "first pint and ground crew on us", you should feel duly honored.

    Would you take a night in jail for a friend? Consider this when you're asked or you offer.

    Are you prepared? Really?


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