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Thread: Many Thanks!

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Many Thanks!

    I'm on a half day stopover in California, before flying back out to Bridge Day.

    I just wanted to thank everyone who made this European trip so great.

    So, thanks to Mick, Flummi, Neil and Andrea for taking in road weary BASE jumpers.

    Thanks to Bryan and Doug, for having the patience to travel with me.

    Thanks to Vrank and Steve for giving local guidance to unusual sites.

    Thanks to Alex, Peter, Patrik, Eddy, Fabrisse, Maurizio, Percy, AnneMarie, Will, Andrew, Luki, Claudio, Edu, John, Fonz, TJ, Scott, Remy, Per, Lou, and everyone else who I jumped with on this trip.

    And thanks to Lukas, for sharing the wonderful person he was, if only for a few days.

    Nothing is Harder than Cold Steel.

    --Tom Aiello

  2. #2

    RE: Many Thanks!

    Hey Tom,

    Just wanted to tell you I love your work, glad you had a safe trip, and hopefully we'll be able to hook up for a jump soon.

    I really look up to you as a BASE jumper (which may be a bad idea Ha Ha) and it's too bad it was so dark that night. Making the decision to not jump with you standing right there was probably the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time. I think I made a good call though, because I'm able to sit here and type this. So take it easy and welcome back.

    Respect dude!

    Stay safe out there! ---Dex
    "They can take our rigs but they can never take our jump!" ---Kmonster

  3. #3

    sorry again...(I am)

    naming names in public? or not believing some "other people" know these names on a first name basis. Isn't this like naming objects?
    Why did I like anonymous so much? noone knew me. now, people have judged me, and it appears MOST HATE ME.
    I know where NOT TO CALL THE LOCAL rule applies.

    hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!!!!
    it's all funny!! life in general is funny!! society----sick, life though is funny!!! hah hah hah hah:-) :-)

  4. #4

    RE: Many Thanks!

    Was good talking to you today! I hope all goes well on the remainder of your BASE tour. I will be in rare form on my 3-2-1 bansai jumps :)

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