Hi there Tom A, or whoever chooses to respond;
What is the difference between between a 7 cell raven or PD seven cell, and a BASE "specific" canopy? I read your product review (Tom A) and it mentions that they should not be used for BASE jumping. Why?
I use these canopies and I am rookie enough to barely be able to tell a difference between them and my FOX. They have been modified for BASE with tail pockets from CR... and maybe even other modifications like attachment point spot or something.. I am not sure. I think that they have BASE jumping lines on them... these lines are the exact same as my FOX lines, was that a modification or are BASe jumping lines and skydiving lines the same?
What are the standard modifications put on a non BASE specific canopy to make it suitable for BASE jumping?
I have heard that Ravens snivel with the slider up, is it O.K. to jump these non BASE specific canopies with the slider down, but not up?