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Thread: what gear? beginner

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    what gear? beginner

    This might sound crazy but I am about to do my first building base jump what fast opening chute and gear would you as experienced jumpers recommend for a beginner?

    And what is the minimum jump height to ensure a chute opening?


  2. #2

    RE: what gear? beginner

    Go away. You are in the wrong place. Stay away from parachutes.
    Dumb-ass moves by jerk-offs like you ##### up our sport.
    Usually the laundry chute is about 18 inches, jump in there.

  3. #3

    RE: what gear? beginner

    >This might sound crazy but I am about to do my
    >first building base jump what fast opening chute
    >and gear would you as experienced jumpers
    >recommend for a beginner?

    With what you just said, either you are a troll looking for people to bite, or you don't have enough experience to keep yourself alive. Either way, you don't know enough about the sport to make a building jump and could easily kill yourself if you try.

    >And what is the minimum jump height to ensure a
    >chute opening?

    Read what I said above. You need to go to the DZ and make >200 Skydives, then take a first jump coarse from one of the manufacturers if you want to live past your first 1-3 jumps.

  4. #4

    RE: what gear? beginner

    sounds like a troll to me but i,ll bite dude dont do it get a couple hundred skydives at least then go to someone to give you instruction then start with a bridge be safe not dumb you can only make the wrong mistake once in this sport i am just learning and have 14 bridge jumps and i am not ready for a building . be safe get instruction and proper gear have fun & love each other seeya mb65

  5. #5
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: what gear? beginner

    Hey Sean,

    Doing your first building jump isn't crazy at all--if you are properly prepared.

    I'd be happy to take a stab at answering your questions if you could post (or email me) some details of your experience (i.e. number of skydives and BASE jumps, number of objects, number of jumps slider up and down, etc).

    --Tom Aiello

  6. #6
    Huckin Idiot

    RE: what gear? beginner

    Isn't it funny how so often people try to pretend they are jumpers to get information off this board and then get totally reamed by everyone?

    Of course it also just could be one of our own screwing with us for fun!!:*

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: what gear? beginner

    i survived my first building jump using the following gear.
    1 canopy = gargano spirit, sail slider in a deployment bag.

    2 container = wonderhog II including a 26 foot lo-po.

    3 pilot chute = 30 " skydiving type hand held

    i did a 3 second delay and opened ~ 350 feet above the street.

    have fun

    &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-) &-)

  8. #8

    RE: what gear? beginner

    You ae either someone taking the piss out of us or are a true "beginner" in the sport.


    If you do not wish to take the advice already offered, I suggest the following:

    1. A large stunt-type airbag

    2. Instruction in the use of the above.


    1. Jump from a very low building (say, for example, your garage) onto soft grass.


    1. Select a building that is directly adjacent to deep water or a pillow factory supply dump.


    1. Take the money you would spend following the previous posts' advice or the above ideas, start yourself a really robust drug habit and enjoy the flights!

    Any of these have a much higher probability of success, i.e., not killing you, than the use of that nasty old base gear anyway.

  9. #9

    ME TOO

    I used a 1978 Wonderhog and a StratoFlyer. The slider was tied down with a pull-up cord. (no such thing as line release back then) The canopy was side packed stacking everything on top of the tail then wrapping the nose around the mess. The lines were figure of eight loose in the pack tray. I substituted a borrowed 52 inch pilot for the clapped out 30 inch pilot chute that I'd used for all previous base jumps on the Flyer. 2 seconds off of 500+ feet. The canopy looked like a bow-tie from all the drag of that huge pilot chute. Stood up in the parking lot next to the getaway van. It was the first time I'd ever seen an object in freefall.

    Your first must have been really high with that setup!!!

  10. #10

    RE: what gear? beginner

    Welcome to our sport. Boy did you come to the right place to solicit information. Here are my reccomendations:

    1. PARACHUTE: 1 industrial strength [very important] glad trash bag (55+ gallon size) Be sure that you don't get the kind with the drawstring.

    2. CONTAINER: none. I suggest for a building jump that you fasten the lines securely around your neck (although some would argue that this could result in an "off heading" opening).

    3. SAFETY GEAR: Helmet, kneepads, elbow pads, and most importantly, a laptop computer with a wireless internet connection so if anything goes wrong you can post a message to the BASE BOARD soliciting more help.

    PS: For anything 600' or lower, I reccomend taking at least a 9-10 second delay.

    Good Luck.

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