Is This the Closest a Wingsuit Pilot Has Ever Flown to the Ground?
http://www.epictv.comJust when you thought proximity flying couldn't get any crazier... Brian Drake (shown) and two other wingsuit pilots Ellen Brennan and Ludovic Woerth gathered at the top of the famous ENSA Couloir to fly down the tight gully. This is what happened when wingsuit pilot Brian exited. Is this the Closest a Wingsuit Pilot Has Ever Flown to the Ground?-------------------------EpicTV produces hundreds of EpicTV original extreme sports series, with new video releases every day. Visit now to be the first to see the latest episodes.*Get the latest extreme sports videos on the EpicTV Facebook page us on Twitter what we're up to on Instagram@epictvadventureKeep an eye on us on Google+ best of all - check out our website!
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