17.11.13 Hike and Fly Gimmela

A nice little hike and normally longer flight down but the fog was not clearing up so it was a shorther flight this time. Was a really nice and sunny day.
Speedflying in Switzerland needs a license it is regulated by the Swiss Hanggliding & Paragliding Association SHPA
main information shv-fsvl.ch/en/ detailed info here shv-fsvl.ch/fileadmin/redakteure/PDFs/Verband/english/SwissSpeedFlyingRegulations.pdf

Cast: Patrick Pearson
Tags: birgflue and pearsonstyle

ID: tag:vimeo,2013-11-17:clip79605977
Date: November 17th, 2013 08:57 AM
enclosure_href: [http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=79605977]

by Patrick Pearson Speedflying