Black Ops 2 - Jetpacks, Wingsuits, and more! (New Official Call of Duty BO2 Wii U Trailer)
Thanks for watching; I know most of you missed this footage so I wanted to make sure you all got the chance to see it! Really good in-depth video about scorestreaks coming out tomorrow!
Watch me get facialized:
BO2 Limited Edition:

Thanks to Nick for the footage:

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Tags FTW :)
call of duty cod black ops 2 bo2 official singleplayer single multi player trailer jet pack packs jetpack jetpacks wing suit suits wingsuit wingsuits gameplay game play treyarch wii u wiiu xbox 360 playstation 3 ps3
Author: tmartn
Posted: 05 May 2013
Rating: 0.0
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by Daily Motion Wingsuit Videos