Hey guys. I made a similar version of this for myself and even though it's very very crude, I figured some people out here might want to use it.
Follow these directions to take your FCC database search results right into google earth!
1) First download and install google earth if you don't already have it
2) Perform your search at http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/AsrS...ncedSearch.jsp
3) Select and copy all the information on the table (excluding headers). This means you should have highlighted and copied from the numbering at the top left to the final height AGL at the bottom right.
4) Open "fcc to google earth.xls"
5) Right click cell A1 in Sheet 1 and click Paste
NOTE: Once you paste it autoformats and merges cells A1 and A2. If you want to paste new information you must unmerge these.
6) Highlight all the generated entries in column L and copy them
7) Change "Template google earth file.txt" to "Template google earth file.kml". If you can't see the file extension follow these directions: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/865219
8) Open "Template google earth file.kml" USING NOTEPAD
9) Paste just under <Document> and SAVE
You can now open this file with google earth and it will load in all the site coordinates and the site name will be its height AGL.
NOTE: This only works as-is for coords with positive Latitude and negative Longitude. Some slight modification is necessary otherwise.
If you have any problems with it let me know and I'll see if I can help...I'm sick of playing with this atm so I didn't refine it at all.