she is still going to sky dive before she jumps any big cliffs. she is also not the one packing the parachute. she is putting all of her faith into a man who packs chutes for a living. she is trusting him with her life, she has no problem with that. She knows that there are risks and she is willing to take them. you might think that is stupid, but to her it is a fact of life. there are risks in everything that we do. this is just a higher risk than most. she has a full understanding of what might happen but she is ok with that.

she is not saying that she is a BASE jumper. she is saying that she has been BASE jumping and is looking forward to learning all about it and and jumping more to become a BASE jumper. she knows that she is not going to get respect from other BASE jumpers because a lot of them don't agree with what she is doing. she just hopes to one day earn the respect.