I looked around using search a little bit, but couldn't find what I'm looking for, which is;

comments about, theories on and experiences with:

- different pilot chute designs, i.e. 4-spoke vs. 6 spoke vs. 8 spoke, AV, capped, handled, ZP, etc.

- degradation of pilotchute performance through use, do you ever 'downsize' a used pilotchute mentally, i.e. your 46 now performs like a newish 42 and will be used for jumps that a 42 is suitable for? and if you do, when?

- change of shape of pilotchute through use and how this affects performance.

- keeping your pilotchute in the best possible condition, do you leave it unstowed in the stashbag if you're not going to jump it again the same day? best way to treat if if you've taken it swimming? etc, etc.

when I started, I thought the more basejumps I have, the more answers I will discover, seems like I'm only discovering more questions while acquiring opinions, at best
