Yo !

The new Skyflyer really picked up in Norway. Best flights had an average vertical speed of 14..15m/s(32..33mph) and the best time was 1:34 (one of Trollveggen exits, 1540m AGL). I didn't measure the glide ratio precisely (not an easy task) but it finally went over 2. Exits have been very easy, and the suit is flying at 4sec or so - like the old Classic. I did not use PC pouch on the suit, as it proved unnecessary - the regular pouch on the rig still works fine. The new Merlin prototype (wingsuit container from Vertigo) did the job quite well, and probably added a bit to the perfomance.

On a different subject, i've checked out W.L.O. toggles and they are a must-have for any slider-up BASE rig! These toggles allow you to fire brake lines in a slider-up configuration (using only one hand), clearing a line-over or tension-knot mal instantly. I've tested them on one of the first flights, and was amazed at how easy and quickly i could release brake lines. Use them, at least until we learn to land the suits ;-)

