Only the slider....hmmmmmmmmm
So basically with planform (flat) geometry, this means that 25% of the rear of the canopy is without slider, Wouldnīt that lead to a quadratic equation in aerodynamical opening forces and surges?
Why is Kleggo telling us the real story? Is he giving out secondhand info so more donīt die as the other firsthanders wouldnīt?
Whatever, But please answer these questions via email or on the board.
Was this set up intentional?
If not, how was he packing that allowed him not to notice this mis rigging? Was it his second jump that day with the same configuration? Did he transition his pack job from no/off to up... What were the circumstances? How can we prevent this from happening to us?
Please answer me, You will remain anon when you wish, But donīt let such a dynamic jumper as Schlefy die for nothing. Help us learn from him.
thanks in advance