Hey, I have a question:

What are people doing to SLOW DOWN slider down openings? (besides putting the slider up, before anyone can say it)

I am still hurting from a friggin whacker last weekend. I have been told that my canopy seems to open harder than normal (I have nothing to compare it to), and am sorta starting to believe it. It doesn't matter if I am head high, level, or a bit head low at pull, they just friggin hurt.

Anyway, what can I do? I have thought about doing a triple stow on the primary (locking) stow. Or maybe for some weird ass reason, making the thing looser would work? Messing with the nose, like not pulling the center cell around the pack job at all. Tighter or looser on the tailgate?

Anybody got any ideas? I don't care if the friggin thing does two complete 360s and a McConkey before it's done opening, so long as it is a little bit softer.

Or is it just that I am a total vagina now that I have like 3000 jumps on the same Stilleto120 and I need to get hard.

Thanks for any input, folks.