So, all this talk of a new move to make it's debut at the perrine got me inspired. And then it hit me. I was the buster of the new move.
And let me just say.....DAMN Ï'M COOL. Sorry, I'm not cool enough to have helicopter photos of the new move, but it was still pretty sweet, and only a select few can perform it.

It's called a McThomas. I was thinking about McTwister, but then that just didn't give me enough credit. So I figured I should name it after myself.
The McThomas. What is it you ask? Well, let me lay it out for you.
It's a line twist (minimum two full rotations of twist), followed by a kick out of line twist move, then transitioned into a water landing.
Another BIG factor of this......IT NEEDS TO BE LESS THAN A 10 MINUTE PACK JOB. Any more time than that, and you are being WAY TOO CAREFUL.
And the line twists won't come out properly if not "TRASH PACKED".

Don't be jealous. Not everyone can bust the McThomas. Line twists are not the easiest to have control of (when I get strict, I will specify clockwise/counterclockwise line twists), but I will be fairly lax in the next couple SUPER COOL people to bust out a McThomas.

Flame away, let's have some fun.
