A little research on the net revealed the following: More people died on average in the last ten years in our national parks than in commercial aviation accidents! Only 10% of these fatalities can be attributed to "high risk" sports! Yosemite has one of the highest fatality rates of all national parks! Those parks with capable management have increased funding for safety programs. At North Cascades National Park a mountain-climbing safety program reduced the number of fatal accidnets from 1 per 600 climbs to 1 per 11,400 climbs. Although no one can ever claim 100% safety in high risk sports, perhaps a better tact might be to attempt to convince NPS that it is their disregard for proper safety programs that has led to BASE deaths thus far. Why is it that our tax dollars pay for education on climbing programs and not BASE? The media has continually pointed out that there have been 6 BASE deaths in Yosemite. Why not point out that there have been 17-25 deaths in Yosemite every year! The Park Service has the power to regulate these sports. Perhaps this is one instance that regulation would be a better goal for us? For example, if they regulated BASE perhaps a rule specifying reserves equiped with AAD's off of El Cap? More people drown in swimming and boating accidents in our national parks than in climbing accidents. And, the media attention on "regular" fatalities in our parks is underwhelming. Perhaps a concerted effort amongst BASE jumpers to continue to flaunt the NPS record would help. All of the records are accessible to us. We should be using them to our advantage.