Cap'n Chaos,

Very thoughtful post . . . Thank you.

To answer your question concerning education and, "is anything written down?" Yes, we have our entire "First BASE Course" on paper. However, it is an outline and like most outlines it's useless without an Instructor to go with it.

I'd say about 90% of all BASE jumping information one could ever need can be had for free just by listening, searching the net, and other types of self research. However, without a knowledgeable current BASE jumper who possess an ability to impart information in a useful fashion, it's all just a bunch of typing and babble.

"Who should the Instructors be"?

That's a question best left to the market place at this point. Ask any individual who takes on new BASE jumpers if it pencils out financially and you'll find at best they may make expenses.

At Basic Research we started the First BASE Jump Course out of a sense of responsibility we feel toward the sport, along with a very large dose of self preservation. All the BASE manufactures had to take on this role as it became apparent it wasn't going to happen in the BASE community by itself.

It would be irresponsible for us (all the manufacturers) to sell the equipment and not offer this kind of support, not to mention we wouldn't sleep too well at night.

It would be great if we had "The BASE Institute", a sort of permanent BASE camp and clearing house for all information on things BASE.

But who can afford it? It seems we waste more money on lawyers, court cases and big shows of bravado when we'd probably be better served channeling all those funds into education.

We do a very good job of educating people at Bridge Day, but that's only one day a year. What about the rest of the year. Those people don't go into hiding only to re-emerge next Bridge Day.
Some things I'd like to see funded are regional seminars held a few times a year. A totally free BASE web site that includes the wisdom of the ages without trying to sell you anything.

So instead of trying to convince the non-believers that what we do is for real we should teach our young correctly and they in turn will become BASE ambassadors who, in the long run, can do us way more good.

I'm starting to believe we are not the generation that will get the plumb. But it will happen someday. It will be a generation or two down the road that will enjoy total BASE access and the respect of their fellow human beings.

However, take heart, we the present generation can all take solace in the fact we began the ball rolling . . . and someday they'll erect statues in our honor.

Overheard at the Boenish BASE Institute in the year 2047.
"Hi Joe, you working hard today?"
"No not really, today's the day I wipe off the pigeon poop from Mick Knutsen's statue."
