I rarely read the BASE Board these days, but it seems that every time I do there's a certain amount of bitching about the I.P.B.C. Someone is making some pretty heavy accusations that are NOT true! As for the organizers getting rich off of the jumpers, ha-ha! What a joke. I can attest to the fact that at least one of the organizers
(my husband) puts money out of his own pocket to put on these events - the CASH prizes at Moab this year came right out of his wallet! It's called
an investment.
I'm inclined to think that all the anon posts thrashing the I.P.B.C. and the organizers is just one person. One paranoid, jealous, poisonous and
dastardly little person sitting in his little trailer like a rat, with no life and in order to make himself feel better he just posts, and posts replies to himself, and posts replies to his replies! All anonymously - how ingenious.
Anyway, the I.P.B.C has been working hard to advance the sport of B.A.S.E. for YEARS. No one can take that wawy from them, and there are many who know that and who will remain loyal. If it's not your bag, then fine. Not everyone is good at competing.
My husband refuses to get on this board and get into a 'pissing contest' with anyone - Since I'm female, my testosterone level is a bit lower ;-)
Go ahead Robin, er, I mean anon, thrash away at me, I'm such a threat, aren't I?
The point I'm trying to make is just this - it's getting old. And boring. The I.P.B.C is not going to go away.