I ran across this bit in an interview with Dean Potter (a Yosemite super climber), in the May 2001 "Climbing".


Climbing: Anything you dislike about Yosemite?
Potter: I don't like the way I don't feel free when I'm there. I feel that our national parks aren't ours anymore; we are held under more rules than anywhere else. I don't like...the feeling of always having to hide from the rangers.

Climbing: Tell me more.
Potter: ...Yosemite Rangers have been partially responsible for the deaths of two of my friends. By chasing Frank Gamballie into a raging class 4 rapid and by pushing Dano to a state of irrational thought...


Anyway, it's just good to know that many climbers feel the same way we do about the NPS and their policies.

--Tom Aiello