>PS. No need to respond if you're sponsored by a gear
>manufacturer, as you're probably biased and we've seen a lot
>of those type of promo posts lately. It makes it hard to see
>what's the best gear when you've got jumpers promoting gear
>only because they get freebies everytime they praise the

Could you outline exactly which Manufacturers give freebies to jumpers who praise their products (because many of us will start throwing lots of praise their way!!!). ;)

Seriously though, the major Manufacturers I know are a little more ethical than to create a reward system such as you outlined. Typically they try to make the best gear possible and then if people wish to publicly praise it of their own accord, then great.

Manufacturers typically give extended loans of demo equipment (as opposed to "freebies") to jumpers who can provide detailed technical feedback on how to make their products better (this involves both praise and criticism - gear doesn't get better if you just have "yes" men testing your products).

Most of the "biased" feedback I've come across is by people who's significant experience comprises of using equipment made by the same manufacturer - hardly a good basis for making objective opinions - or by people that haven't really put enough jumps on a system to form a valid opinion.

Jason's original question is a good one. However, it should only be answered by those with significant experience using more than one type of "steering line release toggle" (the key word here is "using"). The same principal should apply for canopies, containers, p/c's, wingsuits etc.

We all would hope (and expect) that those people who received a pair for free, and have experience on different pairs, would give unbiased opinions. After all, technology is one of the critical components that saves our life when we jump. To consciously let economic influences or manufacturer loyalty shape the advice we give would be very, very wrong and could possibly be detrimental to the safety of others.

Note however that it's still OK to relate your experiences with a product if it's the only one of its type you have used, or if you only have a handful of jumps on it - as long as you clarify this when you give your opinion.

(Un-sponsored, but currently demo'ing BASE gear from five different manufacturers if anybody is wondering about my "bias").