I report here as follows my translation into English of what #726 wrote in the Italian BASE Board.

"Yesterday 5th April 2003 on Italian big wall there has been a fatal incident involving a 27 y.o. Russian jumper.
Inspection on equipment will reveal the incident causes. For the moment, the only certain fact is that a 180° off heading opening caused the impact against the wall, momentarily the canopy (and the jumper) remained hanging from the wall, after few minutes the jumper was falling down along the wall and talus.
The intervention of alpine rescue was prompt, but unfortunately alpine rescue has been able only to recover the lifeless body of Russian BASE jumper.
# 726"

My sincerest condolescenses to family and friends of poor Russian jumper.

We shall all meet together in that place where there are no more tears.

Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 :D
e-mail: base_689@yahoo.com