I'm going to be making lots of terminal jumps from a 2700' cliff in the next week, although I've never been anywhere where delays over 8 seconds were possible and my last slider-up pack job was made a year ago - so it scares me a bit more than my usual 300-500' cliffs.

The canopies in question are my trusty Fox 245 and a new Dagger 244, both with mesh sliders.

The rigs are a Warlock two-pin and Stunts velcro rig for less-than-terminal (the helicopter is already paid for, it'll be packed, and long canopy rides are FUN so why not?).

The last time I packed as I would for slider-down but with a slider and the brake lines routed through the keeper rings: 45 degree folds of the lower corners in the A/B and B/C groups; each piece of fabric folded separately; a bit more than the center cell of the tail tucked in between the A/B and B/C group; a small rubber band on the closing stow; and the center cell pulled open arround the pack job so its topskin forms a hood a few inches down from the container yoke.

Should I be doing anything different? Does the answer change when I fly my wing suit?