Hey Boys and Girls!

I just wanted to let you all know that there will be a t.v. story on a FAMOUS base jumper that we all know (who just so happens to be the moderator of another base forum) aired by the DISCOVERY HEALTH CHANNEL (this is a cable channel affiliate of the discovery channel). The show is entitled "Impact: Stories of Survival" and will feature the story of a base jumper who has parachute problems (oh, it's always a parachute problem) during a base jump. The show incorporates the latest graphic arts to include animated stick figures which you will not want to miss. Trust me, you don't want to miss the stick figure! What makes this story ever the more interesting is that said jumper has repeatedly and adamently denied the exsistence of said show when asked point blank. The reason for this post is to jog said jumper's memory...do you remember now?? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?


Feb. 21 8pm ET
Feb. 21 11pmET
Feb. 23 04pmET
Feb. 24 03amET