138ft seems like an advanced object for a first-time jumper. Or was the news story misinformed?

CATSLE ROCK, Wash. (KPTV) -- The extreme sport of base jumping landed a 22-year-old Tacoma man in the hospital after his parachute allegedly failed to safely deploy off a bridge along the Toutle River east of Castle Rock.

Apparently 138 feet was not enough height to open Todd Pelisser's chute properly when he attempted his jump around 5 a.m. on Sunday. Pelisser suffered a punctured lung, spine and head injuries from the fall. There are conflicting reports about whether the parachute fully deployed.

A LifeFlight helicopter responded to scene and took Pelisser to Legacy Emanuel Hospital after his girlfriend called authorities. The first time base-jumper was upgraded Monday from critical to serious condition. Officials say the bicycle helmet Pelisser wore during the jump probably saved his life.

According to Pelisser's friends, he was actually supposed to jump off higher bridge farther up the river.


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