Jason you say that I've gotten all pissed off because people go on scouting trips without me! well you are wrong I could care less what you guys do. I can do ##### my self I dont need to follow anyones lead that thinks they know everything.I've also heard stories about you guys doing some pretty dumb stuff.The thing with the frap hat wasn't me but yes I was there.It was my second jump, and was with people who were experianced.How do you know how much knowledge I have about the sport ? Yes me and Geoff have asked for permission on several sights, and the answer has always been yes. Why not get permision, its better than sneeking around and going to jail. You guys are just mad because you wont to sneek around and feel like your doing something illegale or top secret, hell if you open everyones eyes to what is going on maybe the sport would grow. Me and Geoff got permision to jump from an object that 4 of you guys jumped and had to run from.
Also you said that I used poor judgement when picking out my exit point on my (E), thats your opinion, and opinions are like assholes everybody has one.
I've asked questions and tried to learn from several people but they act like you ! Like they know everything and i don't wont to hang out with people who are stuck on themselves. So don't worry I've been scouting my own sights,and would never ask you or your friends to hang out with me.
Thanks for using your real name now I know the inner circle of two faced people.
John Hayes
North Carolina Base #3