The moral of this story appears to be: be very careful with whom you do business and to trust no one unless you absolutely know that they cannot be bought.
We were sorry to read that sincere people lost money on the Petronas deal due to the unscrpulous people mentioned as allies of the "SCAB".
Since he wanted to hold on to the $18,000 from the aborted Bridgeday , perhaps he would offer to reimburse these jumpers who lost money because of the slippery and immoral actions of he and those who screwed everyone over both in the Bridgeday as well as the Petronas events.
Don't hold your breath,because these people pursue personal gain at the expense of others, a crime against BASE people.
Irregulaties abound with the Scab and his friends.
A camel really can pass thru the eye of a needle, if it is greased.
Anti-social behavior really does negatively affect others as has been seen.
Sociopathic comments seem to abound on this site by those who attack some of the writers.
We were sorry to see that actual BASE equipment manufacturing companies went in with Scab as well.
Keep shaking the tree Mr. Hide, more bad apples will fall out of it.
This site serves a good purpose in identifying problems and in confirming the deviant behavior of the Scab and his friends(whoops, he doesn't have any friends, just fellow profiteers and maggots who suck around him looking for freebies).