Maxim Paramonov
Billing Address:
Leninsky pr-t d16 kv48
Moscow, RU 117071 Russia
Shipping Address:
Leninsky pr-t d16 kv48
Moscow, RU 117071 Russia
I shipped him $400.00USD worth of products from the store in2 seperate boxes, and he has charged back his credit card for 90% of the amount claiming he did not receive the products.
I already do not make a profit on this site, and with $400.00 CC fraud, I am going to get ##### pretty hard on these things.
[h2]Here is what he ordered:[/h2]
Code Name Quantity Price/Ea. Total
YP600 Bushnell Yardage PRO 600 1 $249.00 $249.00
ANKLE304 Ankle Orthosis 2 $29.95 $59.90
Size: Medium
AAT2 Active Ankle T2 1 $39.95 $39.95
Size: Meduim
BIBC BLiNC I. BASE CD (Special Offer) 1 $5.95 $5.95
Shipping: Global Shipping: $46.75
Total: $401.55