Let me tell the whole story.....
It was in Peru. We were getting ready to do a water jump. I said to him, "Wow Avery, do you Ill Vision guys do many water jumps?"
He freaked out. He started speaking in tongues and screaching in German about how he was going to "capture" me. It really scared me. He pulled out a hook knife and started cutting his shirt to shreds. Keep in mind that we were fully geared up and about to go.
I had enough and jumped. Took a fatty delay and landed right next to the recovery boat. My girlfriend helped haul me in. No sooner had I gotten in the boat then Avery landed his canopy in the boat, hiting my girlfriend with his boots, which had specially designed pop-out knife thingies. She was cut up pretty badly. While she was trying to stop her bleeding, Avery kept bashing me in the skull with the boat anchor, screaming "Now you will understand about how your dog feels, you prick!" I don't even have a dog. I'm really more of a cat person. Some people hate the hairball thing but if you give them a simple over the counter medicine it really keeps the hacking down to a minimum.
Anyway, I finally stunned him with a bilge pump and we pushed him out of the boat and drove away. We got back to shore and got the hell out of there before he could swim to shore.
To this day I can't get in a boat. Me and my girlfriend broke up shortly thereafter because of the whole trauma. She's pretty shattered still. It's hard to lose 1/16th of an earlobe to a flailing knife boot and not be affected by it.
So everyone, please watch your step around Avery. He is like some sort of German commando guy or something.
BTW, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not Robin.